
80 Excellent Ethics Topics For Academic Discussion

Home » 80 Excellent Ethics Topics For Academic Discussion

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that addresses the various moral issues that are present in society. Typically, every field including technology, medicine, politics, sports, and so on experiences several ethical problems. But, by conducting an in-depth ethical analysis, you may discover what is right and wrong, and why. Furthermore, the extensive analysis of the different ethics topics will help you to understand the latest challenges or issues in a particular field. This in turn may further lead to identifying potential solutions for all the social issues.

Our code of ethics is based on what we believe is right or wrong. In addition, we must accept the moral guidelines set out by the community in which we reside. Theft, murder, and harassment are all considered wrong under conventional norms. However, a variety of factors influence our ethical considerations and knowledge.

If you are interested in performing ethics research, you can very well consider any topic that is related to different types of ethics or ethical theories. Especially, for your reference, in this blog, I have analyzed and presented a list of outstanding ethics topics on different subjects. Also, I have provided some insights on identifying the right topic for an ethical essay or research paper.

Why Ethics is Important?

Ethics shape how people interact with one another and with their surroundings. Ethics are moral rules that govern people’s behavior, decisions, and actions. These ideas of good and evil, justice and fairness, and right and wrong serve as the foundation for ethical principles.

People can use ethical ideals as a guide to make decisions that are consistent with their values and beliefs. They offer a framework for moral decision-making and assist people in comprehending the effects of their choices.

Ethics Topics and Ideas

Different Types of Ethics

As per modern philosophy, ethics is divided into three types as follows

  • Metaethics: It mostly addresses the development of human reasoning, motivation, and values. The ultimate question of metaethics is “What is morality and how does it originate?”
  • Normative Ethics: It primarily focuses on the question “How should I act?” Kant’s Categorical Imperative is an example of a normative moral theory. It states that one should only act by a maxim while simultaneously intending for it to become a universal law
  • Applied Ethics: It aims to incorporate moral consideration into controversial real-world issues. Its topics can be very diverse and include both criminal justice and bioethics. Usually, it examines particular behaviors and acts from a morally acceptable perspective.

But, ethics is not limited to these three types. Over the ages, philosophers have presented a variety of ethical theories that include Deontological, utilitarian, right, and virtue ethics.

Know How to Select an Ethics Topic

For your academic discussion, you can focus on any emerging areas within ethics research. For instance, you may deal with ethical issues that are present in fields such as technology, nursing, sports, etc. Particularly, to gain ideas, you may rely on credible sources such as books, magazines, and already published research papers on your relevant field of study.

In case, you are worried about how to choose a perfect topic for ethics research, follow these steps.

  • First, in your discipline, determine the area in which you are genuinely interested in conducting ethics research. For example, if you belong to the medical field, then you may conduct an ethical analysis of organ trafficking, medical negligence, drug production, etc.
  • Next, on the area of your interest, conduct preliminary research and gather potential ethics topics for research.
  • Then, brainstorm all the collected topic ideas and narrow down the list based on their originality, relevance, feasibility, and resource availability.
  • From the refined list, analyze and choose a unique ethics topic that allows you to perform research within the deadline. Remember, from the topic, you should be able to generate a valid research question and prove the thesis statement.
  • Finally, after you have selected an ethical research paper topic, consult with your instructors and get their feedback. Taking their guidance might help you to improve the quality of your work and meet the prescribed guidelines.

List of the Best Ethics Topics for Academic Work

If you are clueless about what topic to select for ethics research, then the list published below will be helpful to you. In the list, by using my expertise, I have included the best ethics research and essay topics and ideas on many subjects.

Simple Ethics Topics for Students

If you are a student then preparing an academic paper on complex ethics topics might be challenging for you. So, in such situations, you may consider working on any of the simple ethics essay ideas suggested below.

  1. Examine the ethical implications of political lobbying.
  2. Examine the influence of technology on social work ethics.
  3. Discuss the ethical implications of climate change.
  4. Address the common ethical dilemmas faced by teachers.
  5. Focus on ethics in corporate law practice.
  6. Explore ethical challenges in child protection services.
  7. Evaluate bias in standardized testing.
  8. Study the global warming ethics.
  9. Explore the role of ethics in judicial decision-making.
  10. Focus on ethical dilemmas in ecotourism and sustainable travel.

Unique Ethics Research Topics

If you want your work to stand out in the crowd, then you may pick any of these original ethics research paper topics and begin working.

  1. Focus on ethical considerations in forensic social work.
  2. Discuss how to integrate cultural competence into social work ethics.
  3. Address ethical dilemmas in witness presentation.
  4. Discuss the ethical implications of deforestation.
  5. Examine the ethics of water resource management and access.
  6. Discuss the ethical problems that students face.
  7. Explain the ethical considerations of inclusive education.
  8. Focus on ethical considerations in alternative dispute resolution.
  9. Discuss how to ethically use AI in education.
  10. Focus on informed consent in ethical social work practice.

Medical Ethics Topics for Essay

In the medical field, several ethical issues are present. If you are curious to conduct ethical analysis on topics related to medicine, then you may take into account any of these topics.

  1. Investigate the ethics that apply to a medical worker.
  2. Focus on the ethical and medical implications of circumcision.
  3. Navigate the ethical implications of medical tourism.
  4. Explore the ethical perspectives of medical errors and patient safety.
  5. Examine ethical issues in emergency medical care and triage.
  6. Focus on ethical perspectives of medical negligence and malpractice.
  7. Explore ethical considerations in drug production and clinical trials.
  8. Take a look at ethical challenges in access to healthcare.
  9. Investigate the ethics of human enhancement technologies.
  10. Conduct an ethical analysis of organ trafficking.

Also read: Best Health Research Topics for You to Explore

Ethics Research Topics in Artificial Intelligence

For your ethics research, you may very well focus on the recent trends in artificial intelligence. Find here, some excellent ethics topics in AI.

  1. Explain how AI can be misused.
  2. Discuss how to keep AI safe from adversaries.
  3. Describe the signs of ethical AI.
  4. Focus on the pragmatic operationalization of AI ethics.
  5. Evaluate the views of the public on the significance of AI ethical design principles.
  6. Discuss how to measure ethics in AI with AI.
  7. Take a look at the ethical implications of AI security.
  8. Focus on key ethical issues in artificial intelligence.
  9. Discuss the artificial intelligence ethics that are in practice.
  10. Investigate the ethical principles of artificial intelligence.
  11. Explain the moral steps that should be taken to prevent AI from promoting discrimination and inequality.
  12. Examine the ethical implications of AI-driven automation on employment and society.
  13. Suggest the ethical ways to protect user privacy in AI-powered services.
  14. Explore the right ways to stop AI from spreading misinformation.
  15. Discuss the ethical implications of AI in healthcare.

Sports Ethics Topics

Another major field where you may spot several ethical issues is Sports. In case, you would like to investigate ethical issues in Sports, feel free to use any of the relevant ideas that are recommended below.

  1. Explain how important Ethics is in sports.
  2. Investigate how money influences the fairness of a sport.
  3. Explore the ethical implications of motorsports.
  4. Discuss the key components of sports ethics.
  5. Analyze the ethical responsibilities of a sportsperson.
  6. Examine the ethics of violence in contact sports.
  7. Describe the moral consequences of sports gambling.
  8. Focus on the ethics of transgender participation in athletics.
  9. Take a look at the ethical implications of genetic testing in sports.
  10. Explore the role of technology in shaping sports ethics.

Business Ethics Essay Ideas

Are you looking for captivating business ethics topics for essay writing? If yes, then take a look below. Here, you will find various ethical topics on businesses.

  1. Explore ethical challenges in global business practices.
  2. Address ethical problems in business informatics.
  3. Discuss the ethical implications of price gouging.
  4. Explore the ethical implications of using child labor.
  5. Discuss the moral dilemmas in conducting business.
  6. Focus on business ethics in Islam.
  7. Take a look at business ethics and social responsibilities.
  8. Explore the ethical implications of using sweatshops.
  9. Unlock the hidden dilemma in AI businesses.
  10. Focus on ethical degradation in business practices.

Also read: Excellent Business Essay Topics and Ideas To Focus On

Bioethics Topics for Research

Bioethics focuses on ethical, legal, and social issues in biomedicine and biomedical research. If you need the best bioethics research topics, then make use of the list shared below.

  1. Explore the moral conflicts of genetic engineering.
  2. Analyze the ethical issues concerning precision medicine.
  3. Discuss the ethics of gene editing.
  4. Focus on ethical dilemmas in organ donation.
  5. Describe the influence of AI on patient autonomy.
  6. Conduct an ethical examination of assisted reproduction.
  7. Address the ethical challenges of prenatal genetic testing.
  8. Discuss ethical problems in biobanking.
  9. Is it ethical to upload human minds into computers?
  10. Explore contemporary issues in bioethics.
  11. What are the ethics of growing human brain tissue in labs?
  12. Explore the ethical principles of plastic surgery.
  13. Discuss the ethics of creating artificial human embryos.
  14. How do deadly bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?
  15. Is it morally right to allow designer babies with enhanced traits?


Hopefully, the list recommended above will help you in identifying an appropriate topic as per your needs. So, for your assignment, feel free to explore the entire list and pick any topic that is relevant to your field of study. After selecting a topic, perform extensive research on it and then compose a plagiarism-free and flawless academic paper deserving of an A+ grade. But when it comes to crafting a paper, make sure to strictly adhere to the ethics research paper writing guidelines provided by your university.

About the Author

This blog post was written by Jacob Smith. He holds a doctorate in Philosophy and has prepared several academic papers on different ethics topics. Also, he is an SME well-known for conducting ethical analysis on a wide range of subjects.

Jacob Smith Research Paper Topics Reading Time: 9 minutes

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