
150 Frequently Asked Python Interview Questions(2024)

Home » 150 Frequently Asked Python Interview Questions(2024)

Do you have an interview for the Python Developer position? Are you looking for the most frequently asked Python interview questions? Well, to assist you in clearing your upcoming job interview, we have included a list of the top Python interview questions for freshers and experienced candidates in this blog post. Take a look at it!

In the technical world, python is one of the most popular programming languages. In recent times, the popularity of Python has grown tremendously because of its features.  Python is a free and open-source programming language with a simple syntax. Guido van Rossum created the Python language. With just fewer lines of Python code, multiple functionalities can be achieved. In addition, the language is also commonly used in Machine Learning, Web Development, Artificial Intelligence, and Web Scraping. As Python is widely used for a variety of purposes, nowadays, there is a high demand for Python developers all over the world. Many businesses are also ready to provide incredible benefits to Python developers.

If you want to get a good job, you must pass the technical interview round. So, while preparing for the interview, go through the below-mentioned list of the most frequently asked Python Interview Questions and find the answers to all of them.

List of Python Interview Questions

Here, let us have a look at the top Python interview questions that will help you in getting amazing job offers.


Basic Python Interview Questions

Basic Python Interview Questions

  1. What is Python?
  2. Discuss the key features of Python.
  3. What are the advantages of using Python?
  4. Share some applications of Python.
  5. Explain the scope in Python.
  6. What do you mean by Python literals?
  7. Why PEP8 is important?
  8. Define dynamically typed language.
  9. How to make a Python Script executable on Unix.
  10. List the common built-in data types in Python.
  11. What is an interpreted language?
  12. Explain the ternary operator in Python.
  13. List the modules and packages in Python.
  14. What is the use of self in Python?
  15. Explain the key difference between lists and tuples.
  16. How long can an identifier be in Python?
  17. What is a break, continue, and pass in Python?
  18. Explain global, protected, and private attributes in Python.
  19. What are unit tests in Python?
  20. How do you use Print() without a new line?

Read More – C Sharp and Sequel Programming Languages For Beginner’s

Simple Python Interview Questions for Freshers

  1. What are Python’s dictionaries?
  2. Explain slicing in Python.
  3. How would you declare a comment in Python?
  4. What is docstring in Python?
  5. How to convert a string to lowercase?
  6. Explain the difference between a shallow copy and a deep copy.
  7. How to capitalize the first letter of a string.
  8. Explain how to achieve multithreading in Python.
  9. How to insert an object at a given index in Python?
  10. Discuss Django Architecture.
  11. How do you get a list of all keys in a dictionary?
  12. Explain the difference between append() and extend().
  13. What advantage does the Numpy Array have over a nested list?
  14. How to check if all the characters in a string are alphanumeric.
  15. Share the difference between Del and Remove() on lists.
  16. How do you reverse a list?
  17. Explain how Python is different from Java.
  18. What is the use of Python startup environment variable?
  19. Share some limitations of Python.
  20. Does Python support an intrinsic do-while loop?

Easy Python Interview Questions

  1. When importing data from various sources, can the panda’s library recognize dates?
  2. How are NumPy arrays advantageous over Python lists?
  3. How will you read CSV data into an array in NumPy?
  4. Explain how will you sort the array based on the Nth column.
  5. How will you find the nearest value in a numpy array?
  6. How to generate random numbers using Python
  7. Reverse the NumPy array using one line of code
  8. What are some of the most commonly used built-in modules in Python?
  9. How will you find the shape of any NumPy array?
  10. How to check if all characters in the given string is alphanumeric

Python Interview Questions for Experienced

  1. Explain memory management in Python.
  2. What are decorators in Python?
  3. Explain how to copy an object in Python.
  4. Why Python namespaces are used?
  5. What do *args and **kwargs mean?
  6. Explain the difference between .py and .pyc files.
  7. Define Scope Resolution Python.
  8. What are generators in Python?
  9. Share the difference between xrange and range in Python.
  10. What are Dict and List comprehensions?
  11. Explain the use of Lambda in Python.
  12. What are pickling and unpickling?
  13. Explain the use of help() and dir() functions.
  14. What is PYTHONPATH in Python?
  15. How Python is interpreted?
  16. What are iterators in Python?
  17. How to pass arguments by value and reference in Python?
  18. Explain split() and join() functions in Python.
  19. How to delete a file in Python?
  20. What is the use of negative indexes?

Frequently Asked Python Developer Interview Questions

  1. Differentiate between SciPy and NumPy
  2. Write a program in Python to produce a Star triangle.
  3. Can we make multi-line comments in Python?
  4. Write a program to count the number of capital letters in a file.
  5. Explain how to debug a Python program.
  6. Write a program to check whether the given number is Prime or not.
  7. How do Python arrays and lists differ from each other?
  8. Write Python code to sort a numerical dataset.
  9. How to remove values from a Python array?
  10. Write Python code to check whether the given sequence is a palindrome or not.
  11. What is monkey patching in Python?
  12. Differentiate between Pyramid, Django, and Flask.
  13. Write a program to display the Fibonacci sequence in Python.
  14. How will you efficiently load data from a text file?
  15. Write a Python code to calculate the percentile.

Top Python Programming Interview Questions

  1. Create a program to convert dates from yyyy-mm-dd to dd-mm-yyyyy.
  2. Write a program that checks if all of the numbers in a sequence are unique.
  3. Create a Python program to swap two numbers.
  4. Write a Python program for counting the number of every character of a given text file.
  5. Create a Python code to print odd numbers in a list.
  6. Write a Python code snippet to sort a list.
  7. Create a program to add two integers >0 without using the plus operator.
  8. Write a Python program to print the factorial of a number.
  9. Sort a list of tuples by the second item.
  10. Write a code to display the current time.
  11. Create a Python program to produce a half pyramid using *.
  12. Write a Python code to print everything in the string except the spaces.
  13. Create a Python program to calculate the power without using the POW function.
  14. Write a Python program to print the ASCII value of a character.
  15. Create a Python code to check Armstrong Number.
  16. Write a code to test whether the number is in the defined word range or not.
  17. Write a Python program to find reminders of array multiplication divided by n.
  18. Python program to search an element in a singly linked list.
  19. Write a program to find the largest number in a list.
  20. Print anagrams together in Python using List and Dictionary.

Advanced Python Interview Questions

  1. Define Inheritance in Python.
  2. What is data abstraction in Python?
  3. Does Python make use of access specifiers?
  4. What is the use of manage.py?
  5. Differentiate Django reusability code from other frameworks.
  6. What is the Dogpile effect?
  7. List a few of the famous companies that are using Django.
  8. What is polymorphism in Python?
  9. Define Pandas data frame.
  10. Why do we use a cookie in Django?
  11. List out the inheritance styles in Django.
  12. Does Python support multiple inheritances?
  13. What is the use of Django-admin.py?
  14. How will you combine different Pandas data frames?
  15. Define Constructor in Python.
  1. List the common security issues that can be avoided by using Django.
  2. Define encapsulation in Python.
  3. How can you find the minimum and maximum values present in a tuple?
  4. What is vstack() in numpy?
  5. How to remove spaces from a string in Python?
  6. What is Reindexing in pandas?
  7. How to Reverse a String in Python?
  8. How to check the Python Version in CMD?
  9. What is recursion?
  10. How to merge dataframes in pandas?
  11. What are the similarities between lists and tuples in Python?
  12. What is PEP 8?
  13. What is the main difference between the outermost scope and the local scope in Python?
  14. What is the major benefit of using Python?
  15. What are the two major limitations of Python?
  16. Name some of the keywords in python
  17. What is the key difference between Boolean literals and String literals
  18. What are data frames in Python?
  19. Identify some new features in the Python version
  20. Which is the most efficient Active Python Releases?
  1. What is the best way to get the first five entries of a data frame?
  2. How to create an empty class in Python
  3. What kinds of joins are offered by Pandas?
  4. Explain How to send an email in Python language.
  5. How to write a Unicode string in Python
  6. What is the use of sessions in the Django framework?
  7. In Python, how do you remark numerous lines?
  8. Is it necessary to indent in Python?
  9. In Python, how is memory managed?
  10. How Would You Remove All Leading Whitespace in a String?

Also Read: What is OOP (Object Oriented Programming)? Meaning, Concept, and Benefits


Hopefully, if you know the answers to all the Python interview questions listed above, then you can easily crack your job interview. In case, you don’t know the answer to any of the questions shared here, then quickly reach out to us. We have Python experts on our team to instantly help you in finding answers to Python interview questions of all levels. Even you can approach us .

Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 8 minutes

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