
What is a Thesis Definition and How to Write it?

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If you have enrolled in a university, then frequently you will be asked to compose different types of essays and research papers. Basically, when writing academic essays, you will often have to present them in an argumentative, persuasive, or contrasting manner. In specific, an argumentative essay will fail, if you fail to write a thesis definition for it. Well, do you know what a thesis definition means? In case, you have no idea, explore this blog post and understand everything about the thesis definition.

What is a Thesis Definition?

A thesis definition is a statement or theory that is made as a presumption to be maintained or proved. It is mostly written in a lengthy essay or dissertation that involves personal research. In other words, a thesis definition is a proposition stated or presented for consideration, particularly one that must be discussed, proven, or maintained in the face of opposition. Generally, it includes one or two sentences that condense an argument or analysis that you ought to follow.

Why a Thesis Definition is Important for an Essay?

Fundamentally, it will achieve the following goals, as your thesis might answer the questions you want to explore.

  • Firstly, it examines your ideas and condenses them into one or two sentences.
  • Secondly, it might help to better organize as well as advance your argument.
  • Thirdly, it offers the readers a guide to your argument.

What is a Thesis Definition?

How to Write a Thesis Definition if the Topic is Assigned?

Irrespective of the complexity level, every assignment might be reduced to a specific question. Thus, the first step might involve condensing the assignment into one question and clarifying its purpose to the readers.

Let’s explore an example below:

Topic: “Write a report to the local school board, discussing the benefits of computer application for 4th graders in schools”.

Perhaps, you may write a question and shorten it to one or two sentences in the following way:

Question: What are the key advantages of computer application in a fourth-grade class?

Answer: The potential advantages of computer application in a fourth-grade class are……

Alternatively, you may also answer the given question as follows:

Answer: Computer application in the fourth grade commits to enhance……

How to Write a Thesis Definition if the Topic is Not Assigned?

Subsequently, if your assignment doesn’t require a specific answer, perhaps you have to create your own. Hence, you ought to ask questions about the problem, you might want to analyze.

Simultaneously, a good thesis definition may include the following features:

  • Perhaps, choose a subject on which considerable people ought to disagree.
  • Besides, consider the nature of your assignment, as you might want to manage it adequately.
  • Consequently, declare the conclusion on your selected subject and ensure it is not vague.

Thesis Definition of a Social Policy Paper

Thesis Definition of a Social Policy Paper

  1. Inspiring the Topic-For example, if your subject is the issues posed by the dietary habits of Americans. Perhaps, writing about how much Americans consume might drive your interest. Thus, you may begin the thesis definition as, “Sugar Consumption” however, this is not complete. Also, it indicates a general subject and your audience might not understand its significance.
  2. Narrow the Topic-Subsequently, after sufficient reading on the topic, you may decide to focus on the overconsumption of sugar among elementary school children. So, if you consider the revised thesis definition that states, “Minimizing sugar consumption by primary school children”. Perhaps, your focus not only declares the subject but also focuses on a particular population. However, this fragment is not a thesis definition yet, because you haven’t drawn a conclusion.
  3. Take a position on the Topic- Consequently, reflect further on your selected topic as you ought to decide something more specific. Hence, you may take a position to take some action to reduce sugar consumption among primary school children. Also, you may write your revised thesis definition as “More attention should be given to the food and beverage choices available in the primary schools.”
  4. Apply specific language- Additionally, you may decide to elaborate on what is food and beverages. Hence, you may write, “Scholars estimate that half of the primary school children consume nine times more sugar than the proposed limit. Though the above statement is specific, it doesn’t assert a conclusion, hence it appears incomplete.
  5. Write a declaration based on the mentioned support- Finally, you may further modify the fragments and form a complete it as given below: “Because half of all American primary school children consume nine times the proposed daily allowance of sugar, schools would require to substitute the beverages in soda machines with healthy alternatives.”

Know About Strong and Weak Thesis Definition with Examples

1. First, ensure to take a stand as you might want to write a powerful thesis definition. Perhaps, you may consider demonstrating the conclusion for your thesis. For instance, if fitness is your topic, you may select a famous weight loss product to explain.



Let’s explore using the given examples:

  • There are some positive and negative characteristics to the Banana Herb Tea Supplement.
  • Since the Banana Herb Supplement boosts fast weight loss that leads to the loss of lean body mass and muscles, posing a potential danger to customers.

Perhaps, if you consider the former thesis definition, it appears weak, because it doesn’t take any thesis position. However, the latter thesis definition is both specific and demonstrates a position, hence it’s a strong thesis definition.

2. Secondly, a powerful thesis definition justifies the discussion.


For instance, if the kinship system is your topic, apply your family example and justify as follows:

  • My family is an extended family.
  • While the majority of American families would perceive consanguineal marriage as a danger to the nuclear family structure, multiple Iranian families, like my family, believe that such marriages assist to fortify kinship connection in an extended family.

Accordingly, the former thesis definition is weak, because it simply mentions an observation. Possibly, the audience may not understand your point and stop reading your essay. While the latter is strong as it showcases how your experience contradicts a broadly accepted viewpoint. Also, demonstrating that your topic is controversial is a key feature of a good thesis definition. Perhaps, you may retain the readers, as they might want to know how you support your argument.

3. Thirdly, a powerful thesis definition depicts one core idea as you might not want to confuse the readers.


Let’s explore through the examples given below:

  • Companies require to exploit the marketing prospects of the internet, and web pages provide both customer support and advertising.
  • Since the internet is equipped with extensive marketing potential, companies should exploit this prospect by using Web pages that provide both customer support and advertising.

Again, the former thesis definition is weak as there is no clarity on its purpose. Also, the readers might get confused if the essay is on internet marketing or web pages. While the latter thesis definition is strong because it demonstrates both internet marketing and web page are related.

4. Finally, a powerful statement is specific as it might help you manage the topics easily.


Let’s consider the examples given below:

  • Causes and effects of world hunger.
  • Hunger prevails in Glandelinia because jobs are less and farming in the infertile soil is hardly infertile.

To clarify, the first thesis definition is vague, because it discusses the cause and effects generally. While the second, it’s strong because it focuses on a specific cause-and-effect relationship.


Certainly, you might have understood a thesis definition by now, as we have offered enough illustrations to support it. Yet, if you haven’t understood, consider raising your queries to contact us immediately and get it resolved in no time. Also, to clarify your thoughts, perhaps you may consult your professors, who may explain to you even better.


Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 7 minutes

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