
Learn How to Write a Literature Review Outline

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An outline of a literature review is an essential part of research paper writing. Simply put, it is a glimpse of how the studied literature is included in a research paper through various headings and subheadings. However, most students don’t know how to arrange this pertinent information in a comprehensible format and write a literature review outline. If you are one of them, read this blog. Here, we have detailed the steps of outlining a literary analysis and shared a few examples of the same.

What is a Literature Review?

A literature review is typically written after a researcher analyzes a few research papers that are based on the same theme on which the scholar is conducting his studies. It includes the researcher’s interpretation of the previous studies conducted on the subject. In other words, a literature review offers an approximate overview of the sources you have examined in the paper.

Essential Components of a Literature Review Outline

It is impossible to write an outline for a literature review without having proper knowledge of what a literature review contains. The parts of a literature review are quite similar to those of an essay. You may also include subheadings in each section of a literature review and separate each section into meaningful segments. It must include:

An introduction

The outline of a literature review becomes effective if it has a hook to attract the attention of the readers. It can be in the form of a quotation, example, or question. You must introduce the research topic briefly by shedding light on the concept and sharing your perspective on it. It will help the readers gain a basic understanding of the literature and intrigue them to learn more about the research. Additionally, if there are any debates or concerns related to the topic, you must discuss them here as well. It will help the readers understand the significance and context of your study. Plus, mention the importance of your research and state your problem statement or research question in this section of the review.


When you write the body of your literature review, take note of the following details:

  • Use the body of your literature review to examine or decode the results to uplift the arguments of your review.
  • Organize this section of your paper accurately and offer a clear and in-depth analysis of your collected studies.
  • Be consistent with the information you include in each subpart of the literature review body.
  • Give crisp information on the main points after you analyze the perks and drawbacks of the sources.
  • Use transitional words, headings, and subheadings to write your outline for literature review.
  • Give a brief description of each article you have studied and explain their relationship to the topic of your research and the interrelationships between all the papers that you have studied.


Write the conclusion of a literature review to present your final evaluation of the studied articles. Recognize the themes of the paper you have studied and their line of research. Then, state any strengths and weaknesses and highlight the significance of your work to existing studies. In short, when you write the conclusion of a literature review outline, make sure to include the following details:

  • Offer a thorough explanation of your findings.
  • Illustrate any gaps or areas that need further research.
  • Provide recommendations for future studies.
  • Give your overall view of the issue.
  • Elucidate the significance of the topic within the current academic discourse.

4 Main Methods Of Writing A Literary Review Outline

Write A Literature Review Outline

Typically, there are 4 primary ways to arrange any information and write an outline. The format you choose must be based on your specific investigation, aims, and other necessities. These approaches include:

Theoretical Approach

A theoretical approach to literature review involves investigating the existing literature through a specific theoretical framework. Here, you must look at the literature through the lens of a specific theory or theories to get a profound understanding of your research question. Theoretical research can help you recognize prototypes and discrepancies that are not present in other methods. It helps deal with multiple perspectives or theories.

Segregate your review into headings or subheadings in the given order while you follow this approach:

Theory A

Short description

Theory B

Brief description

It must also include a short discussion of each framework and its relevance to your paper.

Chronological Approach

The chronological approach is the simplest method of outlining the body of your literature review. To develop an outline for a literature review with this approach, begin by describing your studies with the oldest research and then move toward the latest research. It will help you to rationalize the investigation of debates on the topic in due course as you write your literature review outline. Moreover, you can easily detect the texts that have an intense impact on your field. Plus, you get to know the changes in the theme over time. As a result, you can concentrate on all the turning points in the theme of your study instead of the events that took place.

Thematic Approach

This approach to literature review outlining involves aligning works previously done on the subject of your research by theme. Make headings or subheadings for the identified themes. Sum up the pertinent information under each heading to keep your information organized and easy to follow. It also helps in keeping all the information based on similar topics together and recognizing the differences in opinion or perspectives on the topic.

Methodological Approach

As the name suggests, the methodical approach is all about outlining the paper based on specific research methodologies used in the studies. This model helps deal with research questions related to specific methods, such as qualitative or quantitative studies. Using this approach, you can understand the opportunities and obstacles of various methods and recognize the gaps in the study or the areas that require further research.

Literature Review Outline Template

Most institutions provide a literature review template. In that case, you just need to fill in the details. However, if you do not get one, you may use the following template as a guideline to craft an outline for your literature review. Make sure you format the literature review in the same format as you do with the rest of the research paper. Here is a literature review template.


  • Recognize your topic and its significance in the field.
  • Describe the reasons for performing the review.
  • Explain how your assessment is arranged.
  • Highlight the objectives of your work or what you will cover in your literature review.


Theme 1: Provide an overview of your first theme.

1st Sub-theme: Narrow down your examination using research related to this section.

1st study

2nd study

3rd study

2nd Sub-theme: Same as above

4th study

5th study

6th study

Continue until you have expanded all sub-themes under your first major theme.

You can use the same studies whenever they are needed to explain a specific subject.

Theme 2: Same method as above

Recap the major themes and their fundamental topics until you have fully explained each one of them.


  • Explain what your review adds to the field.
  • Identify the highlights and challenges of research.
  • Describe the gaps you have identified.
  • State the next steps for research to resolve the recognized issues.

Read more: Learn How to Write an Ideal Literature Review

How to Write a Literature Review Outline

It is quite difficult to write a literature review outline, especially if you are doing it for the first time. However, don’t be discouraged. Developing an outline successfully requires adhering to an accurate method and organization. Here is a step-by-step guideline on how to outline a literature review. Follow the methods below to create an excellent piece.

Step 1: Select a topic

The first step includes choosing a topic of interest or a theme you are well-informed about. Choosing a subject you know helps in recognizing applicable studies, which makes the writing process simpler and more exciting. Focus on existing and well-researched themes since it makes finding sources less stressful. Also, be sure to shortlist your issue to make certain it is specific and can be investigated meaningfully.

Step 2: Look for the body of literature

When you have a theme, the next step is to categorize appropriate studies related to your topic as you continue to draft a literature review outline. Limit your search to trustworthy databases like JSTOR, NCBI, EBSCO, or Elsevier, among others, to find reliable sources. The library of your university is also an excellent place for searching for manuscripts. Make sure to concentrate on functional and latest manuscripts that are not older than 5 years, unless the literature review writing guideline provided by your university states otherwise. The number of documents you study depends on the university guidelines and the depth of the research you want to pursue. After selecting research papers for your outline, examine them to see if they apply to your subject.

Step 3: Build a structure

To write a literature review outline effectively, you must develop an efficient and appropriate structure. Follow one of the approaches discussed previously to develop your information.

Step 4: Recognize key concepts and themes

Another essential step in writing an outline of the literature review is recognizing the arguments presented in your sources. Read all the texts you found frequently to grapple with their arguments. Be selective at first by examining the important sections like abstracts, summaries, discussions, and conclusions to get an impression of the point of view. Make notes of the primary facts you find, as it will help you include relevant texts in your work.

Step 5: Create an outline for a literature review

At this last step, you can add your details to the outline you developed earlier by ascertaining the arguments that are pertinent to various sections. Now, your work is simply to adhere to and preserve the structure you developed and draft your outline. Keep in mind to proofread your plan and get rid of grammatical or other errors.

Examples of a Literature Review Outline

Reading a literature review outline sample to understand the primary ideas about this type of work is also important. Carefully explore these examples to gain insights into how logical pieces are prepared. Remember to verify samples relating to your field of study to avoid confusion when writing on your own. Additionally, your institution may have specific requirements regarding the contents that you must cover. Therefore, use the following samples of literature review outlines to enhance your knowledge:

Literature Review Outline Example 1

Literature Review Outline

Increasing the job satisfaction of employees by implementing a peer collaboration program


  1. Explain why job satisfaction is essential and the results of dissatisfaction.
  2. Causes of job satisfaction
  3. Solutions based on evidence
  4. Gaps in knowledge of study


  1. Why is it essential to have job satisfaction?
  2. Job satisfaction and friction
  3. Impact of employee achievement
  4. Employee friction rates
  5. Rate of friction among workers in an organization (Pew study, 2022).
  6. Causes of job satisfaction
  7. Lack of support (Coleman, 2021)
  8. Demands of work (Johnson, 2011)
  9. Stress (Adams, 2019)
  10. Insufficient payment
  11. Causes of job dissatisfaction
  12. An evidence-based approach to increasing job satisfaction
  13. Peer collaboration (John, 2019)

Incentive payment (Murray, 2021)

  1. Employee support program (Ray and Cooper, 2021; Burstein, 2019)
  2. Novel organizational initiatives
  3. Training programs (Shawn, 2020)
  4. Opportunities for professional development (Gillespie, 2023)


  1. Causes of dissatisfaction in jobs vary depending on several factors.
  2. The report highlights the need for increasing collaboration among employees.
  3. There is a need for further research on how different types of collaboration approach

Literature Review Outline Sample 2

Literature Review Outline

Patterns of voting among first-time voters in the USA since 2012


  1. Young citizens in the USA are getting more detached from the democratic process.
  2. Some studies stress bringing about a change in the voting patterns of first-time voters.
  3. Researchers have heavily neglected the voting patterns of the young citizens of the USA.
  4. Exploring the various reasons for these changes


The thought of young voters’ engagement in politics

  1. Young citizens of America are not actively connected to democratic methods (Buskins and Samuels, 2021).
  2. Changing patterns of voting have been noticed among young voters (Uppers, Troopers, 2019; Hedge, 2020).
  3. Variations in patterns of voting among young people with changing regions (Mandela, 2018)

Reasons for variations in voting

  1. Complete boredom in politics (Tropics, 2017)
  2. Distance of centers of voting from people’s homes (Adams, 2022)
  3. Living near polling centers increases the scope of voting (Adams, 2022).


  1. Multiple authors are in disagreement regarding the reasons for a change in voting patterns.
  2. Research findings highlight that young voters do not engage with the voting process in the USA.
  3. The engagement of voters changes with the state they live in.
  4. Further research is mandatory to recognize the contributing factors to disengagement.

Read  more: Learn About the English Modern Literature

Literature Review Outline Writing Tips

Now that you have a clear idea of how to write a literature review, it is essential to offer you additional helpful information. Remember that you must go through everything mentioned in your instructions and elucidate things you are not sure of. Here are the essential tips to keep in mind:

  • Develop a consistent and logical structure, as this permits you and others to easily recognize which points are covered.
  • Draw attention to your topic first to showcase what your work is about.
  • Ensure that you use a suitable listing format to emphasize the important sections and their subheadings when you write a literature review outline.
  • Each bullet list or section should take care of one idea.
  • Ensure that all parts of the literature review are connected logically, or your paper will flow logically.
  • Include in-text citations of data taken on loan from external studies to maintain your points.
  • Use only peer-reviewed research papers as proof for your arguments.


In the discussion above, we have shared all the information needed to write a literature review outline. Use them to develop the skeleton of your literary analysis.  You can benefit from their assistance too.

Jacob Smith Education Reading Time: 12 minutes

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