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Academic Responses thesis on Terrorist group ISIS

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Write a thesis on Terrorist group ISIS has significantly wrecked Syria and has been the main reason behind the armed conflict in Syria. 


Terrorism in Syria has a long history prior to the ISIS uprising. Islamist uprising has always ruled the country with terror weapons. It began around 1980 under the leadership of Hafez al-Assad who terrorized civilians and army personnel along with his militants with the aim to control the government. Around 1986 Syria was shaken with a series of Damascus bombings by Iraqi Baathis. Syria came under the rule of terrorist leader Bashar al-Assad in 2000 who has been responsible for severe vehicle bombings but the government denied the involvement of terrorism (Global Conflict Tracker, 2020). Prior to this period the Islamic State (ISIS) had already started rising. Again in 2011 and 2012 Damascus was hit. The Civil War had begun. From vehicle bombings and planting bombs in public places, suicide bombing evolved and the terrorist activities quickly escalated and evolved to mass killings and destruction. By 2013 ISIS had most of Syria under control. In 2014 one of the most significant massacres were executed by ISIS where nearly 1200 Sunni male civilians above 14 years of age were killed. Counterterrorism resulted in a sectarian civil war that consisted of Shia and Sunni Muslims, Alawites, Druze, Kurds, Christians etc. These communities played important role due to their combined protests and also inter-community conflicts which made them vulnerable.


Terrorist group ISIS has significantly wrecked Syria and has been the main reason behind the armed conflict in Syria. The terrorist attacks aim at proving the incapability of the government and aggravates the conflict. Syria’s civil war is deeply embedded in the country’s terrorism history.


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