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Appealing to Emotions Facilitates Change

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They are shown a truth that influences their feelings" than they are by analysis. Discuss the relevance of this statement for organizations growing and responding to change. What responsibility does a leader have to honor stakeholder concerns when "feelings" are the primary basis for the concerns?


Answer :



Highly motivated and engaged employees are necessary for the organization to grow and develop particularly for those organizations which are growing and responding to change. The statement “people are more motivated when they are shown a truth that influences their feeling than they are by analysis” is quite relevant for an organization that is growing and responding to change. In order to keep the organization on the right track to grow and respond to change, it is necessary to create a sense of belongingness, a sense of trust and believes, and a sense of empathy in the mind of employees (Muscalu and Ciocan, 2016). When an employee feels connected to the organization, his/her performance and productivity increases significantly. He/she perform well in the organization to achieve the goals and objective of the organization. Such senses can be created by showing them the truth. Truth also creates trust and employees believe in the words of the leader and the management (Seijts et al., 2018).

The leader is responsible for meeting the needs of the stakeholders. The feeling of the stakeholders should be recognized and taken care of. The leader is responsible for ensuring empathy, fairness, trust, and loyalty within the organization to ensure that the feelings of stakeholders are being taken care of. There should be open communication throughout the organization. Open communication is one of the key steps to improve and maintain performance and productivity. It helps in disseminating information. Emotions and feelings of every individual within the organization should not be hurt and betrayed by the leader. 


Muscalu, E., & Ciocan, F. (2016). Attracting and motivating employees during changes in the organization. The role of the human resources department. Journal of Defense Resources Management, 7(2), 153.

Seijts, G., Farrel, G.O., et al. (2018). Engage the Heart: Appealing to the Emotions Facilitates Change. Article on employee engagement. 


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