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Application of Clinical Systems

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Literature Review: The Use of Clinical

Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

New technology and the application of existing technology-only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies.

Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system strategies. As these strategies are often based on technology trends, informaticists and others have then benefited from consulting existing research to inform their thinking.

In this Assignment, you will review existing research focused on the application of clinical systems. After reviewing, you will summarize your findings.

Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the

context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery. • Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The

research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies, such as "the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with

diabetes." • Identify and select 5 peer-reviewed articles from your research.


Answer :



This paper has been designed to review existing research papers or academic journals based on the application of the clinical system. Five research papers have been selected (listed below) to review and analyze to present the findings of this paper. The main focus of this paper is to analyze the application of the clinical system and hence in order to analyze the application of the clinical system, the perspective of different scholars have been reviewed. Each of five articles has been summarized in this paper including an explanation of the improvement to the outcomes as well as efficiency along with lesion learned from the application clinical system.

1. Manley, K., & Titchen, A. (2017). Facilitation skills: the catalyst for increased effectiveness in consultant practice and clinical systems leadership. Educational Action Research, 25(2), 256-279.

A clinical system is a set of different actions and activities with a common set of goals or objectives. It is essential to select one or more than one criterion for each action and activity that can be used to measure and analyze the progress. The clinical system helps in achieving the goals and objectives of the clinical setting by improving the process and procedure of the organization along with efficiency and effectiveness. Thus, with the help of clinical systems, the performance along with the productivity of the clinical setting improves. Clinical systems help in analyzing the whole situation of the organization related to its performance and productivity, the performance of the staff, the need for training and development for the staff of the clinical setting, safety and security of patients within the clinical systems, etc. Clinical systems are necessary to disseminate information throughout the organization to keep the process of the organization on the right track. It improves the efficiency of the organization and makes the organization a better place to deliver healthcare services to the patients. In order to improve the effectiveness of the clinical setting, it is essential to have patient data increasingly available. Effective clinical systems also ensure the safety of the patient data which is very important to protect the principle of the integrity of the organization. The confidentiality of the patient should be maintained at any cost and effective clinical systems help in ensuring the confidentiality of the patient information.

2. Hübner, U., Ball, M. J., de Fátima Marin, H., Chang, P., Wilson, M., & Anderson, C. (2016). Towards Implementing a Global Competency-Based Nursing and Clinical Informatics Curriculum: Applying the TIGER Initiative. In Nursing Informatics (pp. 762-764).

Clinical systems are very important for healthcare systems. For example, clinical informatics helps in keeping the healthcare organization up to date with necessary information. Clinical informatics is very important for decision making within the healthcare organization. Clinical informatics supports clinical decision making which is important to guide the healthcare organization in the right direction and achieve the predetermined goals and objectives. Supporting decision making is necessary because, with the help of the decision-making abilities of the organization, the healthcare organization can accomplish its mission as well as vision statements. Decision-making abilities of the organization determine the success or level of success of the healthcare organization. If an organization is able to take critical decisions effectively and efficiently, the organization can deal with any situations effectively. On the other hand, if the organization cannot make an effective decision, it cannot deal with unforeseen contingencies which may lead to failure of the organization. Clinical informatics provides necessary data or information to the healthcare organization to support effective decision making. Thus, it can be said that clinical systems are very important within the healthcare setting to perform well and be s successful organizations in the market.

3. Austria, P. J. M. (2017). Exploring the influence of informatics in Nursing: The Filipino Student Nurses Perspective. On-Line Journal of Nursing Informatics, 21(2).

Clinical systems provide several benefits to the healthcare organization. There is a very tough competition in the healthcare industry and several small and large organizations are operating in the market. Therefore, it is very tough to compete in the market against the competitors operating in the market. So, it is necessary to gain a competitive advantage to compete against the competitors and outdo as well as outperform the competitors. Clinical informatics provides competitive advantages to the healthcare organization which is necessary to sustain and survive in the market for a longer period of time. Clinical informatics provides the necessary information to the organization which helps in improving the performance and productivity of the organization. Clinical informatics provides a platform to distribute required information throughout the organization. It is very important to distribute significant information in each and every corner of the organization so that every member of the organization can be aware of. Clinical informatics also promotes awareness among the clinical staff as well as patients of the organization. With the help of clinical informatics, the right information is provided at the right place at the right time hence the effectiveness of the organization improves which further helps in gaining competitive advantages. It also helps in analyzing the skills and competencies of the staff of the organization and the need for the training and development program. After analyzing the need for training and development programs for the staff of the organization, the training and development programs are designed and the staff is made aware of the same to attend. Skilled staff provides competitive advantages to the organization. Thus, it can be concluded that clinical informatics provides competitive advantages to the organization.

4. Lehmann, C. U., Unertl, K. M., Rioth, M. J., & Lorenzi, N. M. (2016). Change management for the successful adoption of clinical information systems. In Clinical Informatics Study Guide (pp. 435-456). Springer, Cham.

Clinical informatics improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. As the efficiency, as well as the effectiveness of the healthcare organization, improves, the ability of the organization to go through the desired change also improves. Thus, clinical informatics significantly helps the healthcare organization to identify the required change, develop plans to implement the change, implement the change, and evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented change. Clinical informatics provides information to the healthcare organization which keeps the organization up to date with the changes in the business environment. With the help of clinical informatics, a healthcare organization can develop strategies to adopt change within the organization. It also helps in making all the stakeholders of the organization aware of the change to be implemented within the organization and gaining their consent on the change. It is necessary to gain the consent of all stakeholders before implementing and adopting change within the organization in order to implement the change effectively and efficiently. Thus, clinical systems are necessary for the healthcare organization to go through the changes within the organization. 

5. Manser, T., Frings, J., Heuser, G., & Mc Dermott, F. (2016). The German clinical risk management survey for hospitals: Implementation levels and areas for improvement in 2015. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 114, 28-38.

Risk is part and partial of every organization including healthcare organization. There may be several types of risks that can affect the organization severely. Therefore, it is very important to identify the risks associated with the healthcare organization so that appropriate action can be taken in advance in order to mitigate the identified risks or reduce the impact of identified risk on the healthcare organization. Clinical informatics helps the organization to identify the potential risks associated with the organization. Risk assessment becomes easy with the help of clinical informatics as it provides necessary information related to the risks of the clinical setting. The risk management system of the clinical setting significantly improves with the help of clinical informatics. Hence, it is necessary to have clinical informatics to manage the risks of the organization effectively and efficiently.


Austria, P. J. M. (2017). Exploring the influence of informatics in Nursing: The Filipino Student Nurses Perspective. On-Line Journal of Nursing Informatics, 21(2).

Hübner, U., Ball, M. J., de Fátima Marin, H., Chang, P., Wilson, M., & Anderson, C. (2016). Towards Implementing a Global Competency-Based Nursing and Clinical Informatics Curriculum: Applying the TIGER Initiative. In Nursing Informatics (pp. 762-764).

Lehmann, C. U., Unertl, K. M., Rioth, M. J., & Lorenzi, N. M. (2016). Change management for the successful adoption of clinical information systems. In Clinical Informatics Study Guide (pp. 435-456). Springer, Cham.

Manley, K., & Titchen, A. (2017). Facilitation skills: the catalyst for increased effectiveness in consultant practice and clinical systems leadership. Educational Action Research, 25(2), 256-279.

Manser, T., Frings, J., Heuser, G., & Mc Dermott, F. (2016). The German clinical risk management survey for hospitals: Implementation levels and areas for improvement in 2015. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 114, 28-38.


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