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Biology Regarding Treatment Effectiveness

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Many cultures have ethno-etiologies that provide explanations for illness that are not based in science.

Why do you think people tend to be satisfied with the effectiveness of the treatments they receive?


Answer :



The more that person expects the treatment's effectiveness it's most likely that he/she would provide placebo responses. A treatment involving a placebo does not show any effect upon illnesses yet such provides these real effects upon the person feeling it. Such an effect's strength depends upon several factors. Few things influencing such placebo effect involves the kind of positive messages one doctor provides regarding treatment effectiveness (Cadorin et al., 2020). It also involves the response type which the patient expects in seeing, the patient's strength of belief towards such treatment and the illness nature. Also, genes might provide influences with the way people keep responding to placebo treatment. Several studies have even revealed where few are predisposed genetically in responding to further placebos.

Nursing trans-culturally is one significant aspect of today's healthcare. The multicultural and ever-increasing population especially in the US provides such important challenge to those nurses when giving holistic and individualized care to patients. Such involves the nurses in appreciating and recognizing the cultural differences in healthcare customs, beliefs and values (Keynejad et al., 2016). Nurses need to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for competency culturally. Nursing having cultural competence helps in ensuring positive outcomes and patient satisfaction. When the nurses keep reflecting their patients the diversity, such becomes easier for providers in developing cultural competencies. Such allows the providers and patients in further open communication. Patients have this tendency in safety feelings among facilities where they find diverse teams effectively working together. Diversity is important in nursing, for helping and communicating the patient needs.     


Cadorin, L., Rossettini, G., Testa, M., Geri, T., & Palese, A. (2020). The awareness of contextual factors, placebo and nocebo effects among nursing students: findings from a cross-sectional study. Nurse Education in Practice, 42, 102670.

Keynejad, R., Garratt, E., Adem, G., Finlayson, A., Whitwell, S., & Sheriff, R. S. (2016). Improved attitudes to psychiatry: a global mental health peer-to-peer e-learning partnership. Academic Psychiatry, 40(4), 659-666.

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