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Case Study Holly

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Question :


Last night, my mom called and said she'd be late getting home from work, so I made dinner... Your Advice for Holly ?


Answer :


Question1: Without knowing the exact ingredients in Holly’s dinner and snack, would you agree that, prior to the cookies, she'd been "making really healthy choices"? Why or why not?

Answer: I would not agree with the statement that prior to the cookies, she had been making really healthy choices if exact information about the ingredients in the dinner as well as the snack of Holly is not available. The reason for disagreeing is that Holly had consumed vegetarian quesadillas with flour tortillas, sour cream, cheese, and canned green chilies along with few baby carrots. After seeing the ingredients of her dinner, it can be said that her dinner is high in calories (Keegan et al., 2019). Thus, it can be concluded that Holly had not made a really healthy choice.


Question2: How might she have changed the ingredients in her quesadillas to increase their fiber content?

Answer: The cookies Holly consumed were sugar-free although it has 90 calories each that is too much. Therefore, she is advised to make some changes in her diet in order to increase the content of fiber. She should change the flour tortillas and eat wheat tortillas. Apart from this, she should also focus on adding black beans in order to increase the content of fiber. 


Question3: If the cookies were sugar-free, how can you explain the fact that each cookie still contained 90 calories?

Answer: If cookies are sugar-free, it does not mean that each cookie will not contain calories. Due to the use of artificial sugar, each cookie can have 90 calories (Kakoschke et al., 2018). 


Question4: Suggest at least 3-4 specific alternative eating choices (meal or snack ideas) as it relates to the case study prompt.

Answer: The following specific alternative eating choices can be adopted by Holly in order to ensure a healthy choice. She should eat fruits instead of cookies. She can also add other vegetables to her quesadillas in order to make her choice healthy. Apart from this, she can use light sour cream or salsa instead of having sour cream as it is a healthy choice.



Kakoschke, N., Hawker, C., Castine, B., de Courten, B., & Verdejo‐Garcia, A. (2018). Smartphone‐based cognitive bias modification training improves healthy food choice in obesity: A pilot study. European Eating Disorders Review, 26(5), 526-532.

Keegan, E., Kemps, E., Prichard, I., Polivy, J., Herman, C. P., & Tiggemann, M. (2019). The effect of the spatial positioning of a healthy food cue on food choice from a pictorial-style menu. Eating behaviors, 34, 101313.


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