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Case Study Sports Nutrition healthy diet by using the Food Guide Pyramid

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Steve is 20 years old and tries to follow a fairly healthy diet by using the Food Guide Pyramid. He recently had a nutrient analysis done on his food intake of nutrients. If he is to consume his normal food intake and add both of these supplements, his total intake of some nutrients may exceed recommendations.


For Vitamin D, the DRI mentions upon being 200 IU for the ages 19-30 years. For Steve, the values show 400, 200 IU and 280 IU thus its normal. For calcium, the DRI is 1000mg for the same age range mentioned. For Steve, it 1200mg, 200mg and 150mg where the total crosses the recommendation with the supplement adjusted accordingly (Yaktine & Ross, 2019). The phosphorous DRI is 700 where Steve shows 1100mg which is high. The magnesium DRI is 400mg with Steve being 250mg balancing out with the supplement (100 and 200mg).  

The RDI for calcium is 2500mg, Vitamin D is 2500IU, phosphorous is 4000mg and magnesium is 350mg. Based on Steve’s values, the phosphorous level would be toxic. The calcium might have a chance if not maintained properly.

The phosphorous and calcium supplementation is not required when considering his values based on his food intake. Also, based on the NIH (national institute of health), recommendation involves those men ageing 19-30 require in consuming magnesium of 400mg regularly. During magnesium supplementation, the adult dose must not go above 350mg till the doctor prescribes it.   

Based upon the Dietetics and Nutrition Academy, the young men require in focusing upon getting adequate nutrients, vitamin D, calcium and iron. These become needed for energy production and bone health (Dorner & Friedrich, 2018). Fish and low-fat dairy would become some best sources for vitamin D and calcium. Also iron is present in pumpkin seeds, enriched cereals, beans and animal meats. Apart from these, foods having saturated fat are avoided, limiting foods having salt added.  


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