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Computer Applications for Communication Skills

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Question :


Consider your own communication skills. 

What are your strengths? Identify and describe them, providing examples and positive outcomes.


Answer :


Effective communication is a way of success. Therefore, it is important to identify the strengths and weaknesses and work on the weaknesses to ensure effective communication skills (Boissy et al., 2016). I do have learned various communication skills and there are some communication skills that I want to learn in order to improve my communication skills. 

One of the biggest strengths of my communication skill is that I can listen effectively to what others want to say. I believe that this is one of the most effective communication skills. Listening to others is very important to understand what they want to say. I have the patience to listen carefully and then respond accordingly. If I do not listen carefully to others, I cannot respond effectively to them, and hence it can reduce the effectiveness of what I say to them. Apart from listening skills, I am also very good at non-verbal communication. I can understand effectively body language, facial expression, signs, and symbols. Non-verbal communication is very important because it is an integral part of communication and without having good at non-verbal communication, it is very tough to say that I have good communication skills. I am also emotionally stable which is one of the needed communication skills. It is important to be emotionally stable while communicating with people. Emotional stability is needed to understand the perception, personality, and attitude of people. Thus, I have developed this skill so that I could understand the personality of people and what they perceive of a given thing (Khan et al., 2017). It increases the effectiveness of the response to the queries of people.

I have developed various communication skills, but I think I need to develop some more communication skills in order to communicate effectively. For example, I need to learn the convincing skills to convince people to get into action to accomplish an assigned task. I lack at motivating and convincing skills that are necessary to work in a team effectively and efficiently. If I learn motivating and convincing skills, I could work effectively with others along with building a healthy and lasting relationship with them. I also need to learn stress management skills so that I can effectively manage my stress. Stress management is also needed to work effectively and efficiently. Stress has a significant impact on the effectiveness of communication. If stress is not managed effectively and efficiently, the effectiveness of communication can reduce significantly because it will reflect in the conversation (Kurtz et al., 2017). Improving these skills will significantly help me to be effective in communication and achieve my goals and objectives effectively. 

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