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Computer Operating Systems

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Question :


Research the history of the following Computer Operating Systems:

Apple operating system


Microsoft Windows

UNIX, Linux, and variants

Google Chrome

In your paper, compare and contrast the nature and pace of development for these major operating systems. Please describe the differences in the overall development tracks and theorize about some possible explanations for the differences you find.


Answer :


Apple Operating System

History and Pace of Development:

Apple introduced the Apple DOS 3.1 in the year 1978. This was the first OS (operating system) for the Apple computers. In 1997, the Mac OS was introduced, followed by Mac OS 9 a couple of years later (Computerhope.com, 2019). The Mac OS evolved over the years, and in 2014 the ‘Force Touch’ was introduced along with a feedback system for iOS known as ‘3D Touch’.

Unique Features:

It helps to keep the desktop tidy, and the strain on eyes is less during night time computing.

Theory / Explanation:

The introduction of the stacks and the other tools like screenshot, safari and finder makes it different from the others (Elliott, 2019).



The origin of MS-DOS started with two initial operating systems, namely – QDOS and CP/M. CP/M (Control Program for micro-computers) was initiated during the 1970s, and it happened to be an 8 bit OS. The QDOS OS was based on CP/M, and during this time, Microsoft came into existence (Whoishostingthis.com, 2019). A year later QDOS was renamed as MS-DOS and IBM acquired the rights for using it in personal computers.

Unique Features:

The command-line interface is a unique feature. This makes it mandatory to provide commands at the prompt. It is a great single-user OS and is a good platform for carrying out file management activities (Itstillworks.com, 2019).

Theory / Explanation:

It can deliver the above-mentioned features because of its ‘Character Based Interface System’.

Microsoft Windows


Microsoft Windows 1.0 was introduced in the year 1985. The second version was released after two years. Things progressed, and Windows NT was released in 1993. A couple of years later, Windows 95 came into existence. After another two years, Windows 98 was developed. In 2000, Windows 2000 was developed, and after a year, Windows XP was released (along with the 64-bit edition) (WhatIs.com, 2019). In 2006, Vista was developed by Microsoft. In 2009, Windows 7 was introduced, and subsequently, Windows 8 and 10 were released by 2015.

Unique Features:

It allows multiple viewing areas and the functions are managed by a manager application which is a part of the ‘windowing’ system.

Theory / Explanation:

The GUI (graphical user interface) module is the reason for the flexibility that Windows can offer.

UNIX, LINUX and variants


Unix was developed in 1969, and its first edition was released in 1971. It included more than 60 commands. However, an important thing was missing – pipes. A year later, the second edition was released. Over the years (till 1999) ten versions of Unix were developed. In 1991, Linux was introduced. In 2004, Ubuntu came into existence, and in 2007, Google came up with the first Android OS for mobile devices (Computerhope.com, 2019). Android was based on the Linux kernel. In the year 2009, the Chrome OS was developed by Google that was based on the Linux OS.

Unique Features:

It offers multi-user and multi-tasking facilities apart from programming facilities. It also has TCP/IP networking standards.

Theory / Explanation:

It uses a centralized operating system that manages the process and system activities.

Google Chrome


In 2006, Google came up with the idea that it would be more beneficial if it had its browser. In the same year, a rudimentary team was formed, and testing was started. The main development platform was Windows (Theverge.com, 2019). The browser was kept away from the limelight till its official release. In 2008, Chrome was launched but had to be withdrawn for bugs, and shortly it was announced as an open-source project.

Unique Features:

It provides a single box for conducting searches, finding addresses and history. It also offers incognito browsing (Labnol.org, 2019).

Theory / Explanation:

Google Chrome is a cross-platform, and its user-centric approach is the reason for its user-friendliness.




Out of these, as on date, the Microsoft Windows OS is the most widely used OS in the world.



Source: Market Share Statistics for Internet Technologies.





Computerhope.com (2019). Apple Operating System history. Retrieved 18 October 2019, from https://www.computerhope.com/history/macos.htm

Elliott, M. (2019). The 12 best features of macOS Mojave. Retrieved 18 October 2019, from https://www.cnet.com/how-to/best-features-of-macos-mojave/

Itstillworks.com (2019). MS-DOS Characteristics. Retrieved 18 October 2019, from https://itstillworks.com/ms-dos-characteristics-10063.html

Labnol.org (2019).Google Chrome Features that we miss in other Web Browsers.  Retrieved 18 October 2019, from https://www.labnol.org/software/browsers/best-google-chrome-features/4388/

Theverge.com (2019). Google's Chrome browser is now ten years old. Retrieved 18 October 2019, from https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/2/17811844/google-chrome-browser-10-years-history

WhatIs.com (2019). Definition from WhatIs.com. Retrieved 18 October 2019, from https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/window

Whoishostingthis.com (2019). MS-DOS: The Operating System You Loved To Hate. Retrieved 18 October 2019, from https://www.whoishostingthis.com/resources/ms-dos/


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