Develop a Research Question Exchange Information Smoothly During an Emergency
develop a research question.
Homeland security and local agency can exchange information smoothly during an emergency?
The Information sharing between Homeland security and local agencies plays an important role to ensure the safety of the US society, especially to enhance the prepared anus for dealing with emergencies. However, developing an effective search method is important to conduct the research successfully. The current paper aims at discussing the search method for peer-reviewed and scholarly articles to evaluate the smoothness of Information sharing further. The paper also discusses the background of the topic and rationale for conducting research.
Evaluation of smoothness in information sharing between homeland security and local agencies during emergency response
Homeland security and local agencies share information to manage emergencies in the US. Collaboration between these two entities is the important successful management of emergencies. However, the information sharing process is not smooth always. As indicated by Bean (2009), several Homeland Security officers I am not satisfied with the current process of Information sharing. Vague information is considered as one of the key obstacles to improve preparedness during emergencies. The officers also receive a large amount of information. Therefore they are compelled to ignore a significant portion of it. Interpretation of the information is also influenced by institutional norms. Inappropriate interpretation affects preparedness. Carter and Gore (2013) stated that the information-sharing framework can be made more effective by integrating the conservation officers. The conservation officers interact with the community on daily basis. Therefore, they can be used as a useful resource to obtain quality information during an emergency.
Effectiveness of the Information sharing process between the two Federal entities is affected by various factors such as federal policies and the perception of the participants. The importance of information sharing has been realised more due to the increase in terrorism after the occurrence of the 9/11 attack (Carter and Gore, 2013). Therefore, researching the smoothness of information sharing between these two types of bodies is crucial to identify the challenges in the existing system and address the national security concerns in an emergency.
The search aimed at identifying the scholarly and peer-reviewed articles related to the topic. The quality of the source is important to obtain valid and reliable information. Therefore, scholarly and peer-reviewed articles are selected to get reliable information. In this case, the articles were searched in the APUS online library.