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Ecosystem Health Summarizing

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Question :


Write and explain Ecosystem health physical processes, chemical processes, ecological processes, supportive coastal ecosystem and disease outbreak.


Answer :


Since 2012 the Reef has experienced continuous increase in above average annual sea surface temperature. Thermal stress has been observed particularly from 2016 to 2017. Warmer temperature negatively affects ecological processes and also the general physiology and productivity of the Reef. Also, frequency of freshwater flow has increased which is putting pressure on the coral habitats. Ocean pH, the most important determinant of the ecosystem health has been declining from the year 2014. The main reason behind this decrease in pH is the increase in human activities and the resultant carbon di-oxide release which is heavily absorbed by the ocean. However, salinity is one of the few stable chemical factors here. It is important to note that knowledge gap and lack of awareness are the primary causes behind deteriorating ecological process. The deteriorated factors include coral cover decline due to excessive coral bleaching from 2016 to 2017 which is an indicator of declining symbioses. Also, the evolutionary and behavioural growth of prey species depends on the abundance of predator species such as shark and trout. However, increased amount of fishing has affected the ecological balance between predators and preys. In addition, supportive ecosystems such as woodlands and forests are deteriorating due to which catchment areas have been reduced. Mass bleaching is one of the major causes of disease outbreak in the coral reef and its impact on the ecosystem health cannot be ignored. White syndrome diseases, Trichodesmium and crown-of-thorns starfish have been deeply affecting the Reef health.    

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