Education Assignment Competitive Advantage
Question :
What comes to mind first when you think of an institution of higher education? Perhaps a quadrangle with ivy-covered walls?
A description of how the model provides the institution with a competitive advantage
Answer :
Every educational institute adopts a particular education model depending on the resources available and the perceived values of the education model (Evangelio et al., 2018). There are several types of education models such as Project-based learning, Inquiry-based learning, Interdisciplinary learning collaboratives, Place-based education, Multiage learning, etc. Here, the education model of Harvard University as well as Stanford University has been discussed and their importance in providing competitive advantages to the institution.
It is known for its quality teaching and learning practices. The university follows a project-based learning education model to improves student outcomes and achievement. The project-based education model is very effective in helping students develop various skills for living in a knowledge-based as well as highly technical society (Kautsar & Sarno, 2019). The university knows that the old-school model of passively learning facts and reciting them out of context is not sufficient to make the student able to survive in the world because today’s world has become very fast, dynamic, and challenging and everyone needs skills and competencies to grow and develop and pace with the development taking place in the world.
The first and foremost competitive advantage that the project-based education model provides to the university is greater student outcomes and achievement. Every student wants to acquire skills and competencies that could make them able to survive in the world. The concerned education model is very effective in shaping the learning and teaching practices to meet the needs of students (Jalinus et al., 2017). It also provides them opportunities to collaborate as well as drive their own learning. It also teaches them problem-solving skills and other skills that are integral to their future.
It has also achieved several milestones in the field of teaching. It uses an inquiry-based education model that is one of the very effective education models. An inquiry-based education model is an approach to learning that focuses on the role of students in the learning process. It allows students to explore the materials, share ideas, and ask questions.
The mission statement of Stanford University is to promote the public welfare and teaching the blessing of liberty regulated by law and inculcating love and reverence for the great principles of government (Buchanan et al., 2016). The inquiry-based learning model helps the university to promote collaborative study that is needed to promote the public welfare.