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Endocrine System and Its Effect on Blood Flow, Blood Pressure and Perfusion

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Question :


Select the endocrine and describe in detail the effects it has on blood flow, blood pressure, and perfusion.


Answer :


Endocrine System and Its Effect on Blood Flow, Blood Pressure and Perfusion

The Endocrine System works together with the neural system in order to affect the blood flow, blood pressure and perfusion of blood to body tissues. The body’s metabolic needs are met by an increase in blood flow driven by the hormones. Vasoactive substances such as nitric oxide affects the murals cells which in turn regulate the blood flow. Pericytes are a type of mural cells which plays an important role in regulating blood flow blood vessel constriction and changes in vascular diameter (Chopra, Baby, & Jacob, 2011). In case of pancreatic islets NOS is exhibited by β cells and endothelial cells influence hormones and perfusion (Mannelli, Rossi, Vanderriele, & Parenti, 2018). On the other hand, norepinephrine, epinephrine and cortisol affects blood pressure. While vasoconstriction is a result of norepinephrine secretion, blood vessels dilation results from the action of epinephrine. Both of these hormones are also responsible for an accelerated heart rate. For example, epinephrine has vasodilatory effect on blood vessels during any physical exercise. However, cortisol plays an important role because without it epinephrine and norepinephrine effects are reduced.

These information are not only important to pass NCLEX, but also necessary in the career of a nurse. These facts would help me in my nursing career to treat patients with hormonal disorders and cardiovascular problems. It is extremely necessary to have proper knowledge of the endocrine system so that the risk of cardiovascular diseases can be reduced and the appropriate drug can be administered to the patients.


1 References

Chopra, S., Baby, C., & Jacob, J. (2011). Neuro-endocrine regulation of blood pressure. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism , 281-288.

Mannelli, M., Rossi, G., Vanderriele, P., & Parenti, G. (2018). The Endocrine Regulation of Blood Pressure. In A. Belfiore, & D. (. LeRoith, Principles of Endocrinology and Hormone Action. Endocrinology. (pp. 611-625). Springer, Cham.

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