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Essay 5G technology

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Everywhere in this world should have 5G technology so that we can transmit information faster, efficient. We can watch and download any big files or videos within a few seconds. 5G has the speed of 10 gigabits per second. For example, you can download a two-hour movie within 3.6 seconds with the 5G technology. We need to investigate and research that will it affect public health so that it is safe to use. 


Answer :



This essay has been developed to study the concept of 5G technology along with its advantages as well as disadvantages. 5G technology is one of the latest technologies that could further change the life of human beings. 5G is the 5th generation mobile technology that has been developed to improve the speed of the internet so that downloading and surfing speed can be increased to maximum possible speed until now. Considering the advantages and benefits of 5G technology, several companies have started providing 5G access to their customers. Mobile phone companies are trying to make their mobile phone devices capable of handling 5G. Internet and mobile carrier companies are trying to build 5G towers and cables in order to gain access to the new technology (Samdanis et al., 2016). Not only companies are trying to provide 5G internet connectivity but also every individual wants to use the 5G network for better downloading and uploading speed. 5G network will allow people to download at a faster rate and hence they will not waste their time. Thus, this essay will highlight the benefits of 5G network connectivity along with its negative consequences. The essay will explain how 5G network connectivity can improve the life of the people.


Benefits of 5G


The key or main benefit of 5G network connectivity is the greater speed in the transmission. Apart from the greater speed in the transmission of lower latency, greater capacity of remote execution, a greater number of connected devices, and the possibility of implementing virtual networks, providing more adjusted connectivity to concrete needs are major benefits of 5G network connectivity. 5G is a wireless technology that is capable of delivering higher multi-Gbps peak data speed (Taleb et al., 2017). It can significantly improve the experience of the user by providing them better connectivity and speed. The experience of the user is a significant matter that every organization wants to improve it so that it can attract more customers to the organization. The following are the benefits of 5G network connectivity. 


Greater speed in transmission 

With the help of 5G network connectivity, the speed in transmission can easily approach around 15 Gbps to 20 Gbps. It will allow enjoying the higher speed and hence an individual can easily access programs, files, as well as a remote application directly without investing time. The dependency of all devices on the internal memory will significantly reduce by intensifying the use of the cloud. It will also reduce the dependency on the accumulation of data (Campolo et al., 2017). It will not be necessary to install a large number of processors because using high-speed connectivity, computing can easily be done on the cloud. For example, with the help of 5G network connectivity, remote software can be activated. It is also not necessary to install a mobile application in the terminal because the user can easily execute them from the cloud with the help of 5G.


Lower latency 

Latency can be defined as the time between the stimulation and response. In general terms, it is the time delay between the cause and effect of some changes in the system being observed. 5G network connectivity is able to reduce the latency by more than 10 times as compared to 4G network connectivity. Hence, the user can perform remote actions in real-time. It has a significant impact on the industrial plant, logistics, remote transport, as well as surgical operation. The organization can use 5G network connectivity to control the machinery in the plant. Thus, the production level can be optimized using the 5G network (Bogale et al., 2016). 5G network can also improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization in terms of production, customer relationship management, distribution of the product or service, and many more. The organization can also control logistics as well as remote transport with the help of which the can procure raw material and deliver the final product to the end-users in an efficient and effective manner. With the help of a 5G network, doctors can easily intervene in a patient who is being administered at another side of the world using precision instruments that can be managed remotely.


A higher number of connected devices

The number of connected devices to a network can increase greatly with the help of 5G. It is said that it can go to a millionaire scale/square kilometer. Using 5G network connectivity, all devices that are connected to a network will have access to instant connection to the internet that will allow them to exchange information with each other in real-time. It will also favor the Internet of Things. It is estimated that there will be hundreds of connected devices to a common home that can send as well as receive information in real-time (Condoluci et al., 2018). However, the number of connected devices can increase significantly if they talk about the industrial plan. As the number of connected devices will increase, it will allow smart cities or smart cities can be developed using 5G network connectivity as it will allow faster and reliable network connectivity to a greater number of devices. It will also allow an autonomous car. For example, a 5G network allows us to connect more devices and hence several sensors can be placed in different points as well as to object in a city that will allow monitoring a large part of the city. By exchanging information in real-time, the life of the city can be improved significantly. It also facilitates the navigation of autonomous cars such as selecting the best route, reducing the number of accidents, as well as finding available space for parking.


Network slicing 

With the help of 5G network connectivity, a virtual network can be implemented effectively. It helps in creating virtual networks and subnets in order to provide connectivity highly adjusted to a particular need. Creating subnets helps in providing particular characteristics to a part of the network. It will also allow prioritizing connections in front of the users. It helps in protecting them from being affected by a possible overload of the network. Thus, with the help of 5G network connectivity, network slicing is possible for the organization to provide a better experience to its employees as well as customers.


Enhanced capacity 

In terms of capacity as well, 5G network connectivity is much more capable as compared to 4G network connectivity. It is capable of delivering up to 1000 times more capacity as compared to the 4G network that is essential to create fertile ground for the development of the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things and 5G is the perfect match that can redefine how wireless network, as well as the internet as a whole, is used. It has the capacity for hundreds of devices. It will allow hundreds or thousands of devices to communicate seamlessly. It has the ability to automate supply chain management processes (Marcus et al., 2017). It can ensure the just-in-time delivery of raw materials that is necessary to optimize the production level in the organization by minimizing work stoppages.


Highly reliable 

5G network connectivity is highly reliable considering its efficiency and effectiveness. As it has been discussed that 5G network connectivity will improve the speed extensively, the organization can use it in different parts of the organization to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. It can be used in the production department to have greater control of machinery and optimize the level of production. It can be implemented in supply chain management in order to automate the process of supply chain and make it more effective and efficient. 5G network connectivity can also be used or implemented in logistics to improve the logistic system of the organization. It will ensure the effective and efficient procurement of the raw material and delivery of the final product to the end-user. The reliability of the 5G network connectivity also increases due to its capacity to connect hundreds or thousands of devices to common home and all connected devices can easily communicate with each other and exchange required information in real-time.

Apart from the above benefits, the 5G network also provides high resolution as well as bi-directional large bandwidth. It is a technology that is capable of gathering all networks on a single platform. It is high efficiency and effective because of its speed and low or no latency. It is a technology that helps the user or subscriber supervision tools for quick action. One of the key benefits of 5G network connectivity is that it provides a huge broadcasting data that will be able to support more than 60,000 connections. 5G network connectivity is easily manageable with the previous generations (Khalili et al., 2019). 5G technology is sound to support heterogeneous services. It is also possible to provide uninterrupted, uniform, as well as consistent connectivity throughout the world. 



It is not inexpensive to build a 5G technology in every country. Accenture Strategy estimates that telecom operators will invest as much as $275 billion nationwide over seven years as they build out 5G, with significant returns (Hillol, 2018). They need to build new fiber optics cables underground and 5G towers everywhere because the radio wave frequency is very low. So, every lamp posts or traffic lights would need to build a 5G tower on top of it. It is very expensive to build a 5G network. The cost of infrastructure development for the 5G network is very high and hence it is not possible for every company to step-in to develop a 5G network. It is estimated that the global cost of 5G infrastructure investment will require more than $2.7 trillion that is a huge amount of money (Schneir et al., 2017). Thus, the cost of building a 5G network demotivates many companies to go for building 5G network infrastructure.



There are several advantages of 5G network connectivity and a fast-moving world also requires a technology that can improve the speed of the network and people can easily access the remote application and download videos faster. 5G network is capable of meeting the needs of a fast-moving world. But there are several concerns as well associated with the 5G network that should be considered before building or implementing the 5G network. There are some concerns about 5G technology that will affect our health. Tests in mice exposed to EMFs for nine hours a day over a two-year period also experienced changes in their nervous system, including the brain, heart, and testes (Jessie, 2019). These are the concerns as the new 5G technology is planning to build. It will cause cancer cells in our bodies and eventually we will get different types of cancers in our bodies. World Health Organization is trying to investigate this concern and hope that it will not affect our health. 

Installation of 5G network and ensuring greater speed and low latency requires the installation of several small-cell antennas. These small-cell antennas can emit harmful electromagnetic waves that could significantly affect the health of the human, animal, as well as birds. However, many organizations including the World Health Organization, National Cancer Society, NIH, and FCC have agreed that there is no adverse impact on the health of humans of the current radiofrequency energy exposure. But the impact on animals and particularly birds cannot be ignored and hence a better option should be selected to improve network connectivity with minimum impact on the health of humans, animals, and birds (Lunawat et al., 2018). 

Apart from the health issue (one of the key issues) of 5G network connectivity, there are several other disadvantages of it as well. The cost of building infrastructure to support the 5G network is very high that many companies cannot bear. The estimated cost is more than $2.7 trillion. There are several countries in the world whose economy is not equal to $2.7 trillion. Thus, it is very tough to develop and provide 5G connectivity. The equipment is highly costly as well as it requires skilled engineers in order to install and maintain a 5G network. Another significant disadvantage of 5G network connectivity is that it is still under process. Researchers are continuously investing their time to research to analyze the potential of the 5G network along with its impact on the health of humans as well as animals and birds.

It is believed that as technology improves, it also creates several opportunities for hackers. The security issue in network connection has not been solved yet and if without resolving the security concern 5G network is being developed, it will create significant concern for the user to protect their personal information (Cheruku et al., 2017). Thus, it is also necessary to deal with the security concern along with developing a 5G network in order to provide sound experience to the user.

Apart from this, it is also necessary to understand that there are thousands of rural areas in the world where no G's are still in operation. People do not have network connectivity. Thus, developing a 5G network by investing a huge amount of money is not a feasible solution if major portions are not under network coverage.



Considering the benefits of 5G network connectivity, it is important to have 5G network connectivity to have better downloading, uploading, and surfing experience. Everywhere in the world, we should have 5G technology so that we can transmit information faster, efficiently. We can watch and download any big files or videos within a few seconds. 5G has a speed of 15 to 20 gigabits per second. It provides numerous benefits such as higher speed, reliable network connectivity, high capacity to connect thousands of devices on a single network, and many more. With the help of a 5G network, smart cities can be developed in which several sensors can be installed to monitor most of the parts of the city. Transportation can also be improved with the help of 5G network connectivity because it allows autonomous cars. It will help in selecting the best route as well as minimizing accidents. However, there are several disadvantages of the 5G network as well that should be considered before developing or implementing a 5G network such as its impact on health, the cost of developing infrastructure, security concern, as well as coverage (rural areas).

Work Cited

Accenture. “Tackling the Cost of a 5G Build.” Accenture, Accenture, 3 Aug. 2018, www.accenture.com/us-en/insights/strategy/5g-network-build. 

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Deutsche Welle. “5G Networks: Are They Dangerous to Our Health?: DW: 19.03.2019.” DW.COM, www.dw.com/en/5g-networks-are-they-dangerous-to-our-health/a-47981285.

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Cheruku, Prabhadevi, et al. "Notable Advancements in 5G Technologies." International Journal of Engineering Science 15712 (2017).


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