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Essays to Kill a Mockingbird

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Question :


Write an essay on To Kill a Mockingbird.


Answer :


The novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" is written by Harper Lee. The focus of the novel is on Atticus Finch's attempt to prove the innocence of a black man named Tom Robinson who has been wrongly accused of raping a white woman. The given statement is said by Atticus Finch. 


Importance of the quote 

The statement is important for the story because it reflects the core value of the story. It is very tough to understand someone if an individual is considering things from his/her own perspective rather than the perspective of the individual in question (Ako-Adjei, 2017). This quote is significantly connected to my life. I have experienced the same situation quite often. When I was in school, me and one of my friends were arguing on a point. We are considering our own point of view and hence it was quite tough for us to resolve the issue. Another friend mediated us and resolve the argument by explaining both points of view to each other. So, it is very tough to understand someone if his/her point of view is not being considered. Similarly, the quote is relevant to the story because the innocence of Tom Robinson cannot be proved, if his point of view will not be considered. 



The given quote focuses on considering the point of view of an individual in order to understand him/her. It is quite important because it helps in understanding the perspective, thinking pattern, values, etc. of the individual. 

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