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Establishing a State Home for the Children Who Are Abused and Neglected

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I have to write an executive summary for a project on establishing a states children's home and complete the definitions for the project. I can send what I have done I just need the executive summary and the definitions to complete this paper.


Answer :


Executive Summary

This paper has been developed to study the impact of child abuse and neglect and establishing a state home for the children who are abused and neglected. Child abuse and neglect are one of the significant social concerns that should be dealt with effectively and efficiently. Child abuse and neglect have a significant impact on children as well as their families, their future relationships, and society. So, it is the responsibility of the government to protect children from abuse and neglect and provide them a healthy environment in which they can grow and develop. The government should develop policies to protect children from abuse and neglect. Therefore, this paper focuses on establishing a state home for children who are abused and neglect. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact and victim of child abuse and neglect and raise this concern before the government or the concerned authority to protect the children who are the victim of abuse and neglect.

In the United States of America, thousands of children are being the victim of child abuse and neglect every year. Child abuse and neglect often refer as child maltreatment. Child abuse and neglect can be defined as omissions or actions of caregiver (it may be parents as well) that result in significant harm to a child. Several researches have been conducted to study child abuse and neglect, and they have found that one in four children faces abuse and neglect in his/her life at some point in time. The result or consequences of abuse and neglect is pervasive as well as long-term. Researchers have also found that the child who is a victim of child abuse and neglect is more likely to involve in risky behavior as adolescence. Such children also experience poor health in adulthood such as diabetes, substance abuse, cardiovascular disease, and depression. However, it can be prevented significantly with the help of effective steps and policies. There are several ways through which such burdens can be minimized to both children as well as community.

Several organizations are working altogether including public advocates, policymakers, as well as community leaders to prevent child abuse and neglect. They are implementing effective and successful approaches to prevent children from abuse and neglect. However, the incident of child abuse and neglect is taking place hence there is a need for better approaches and strategies to prevent child abuse and neglect considering its consequences on the victim children. Child abuse and neglect affect the mental ability of a child and it may lead him or her to severe stress, hypertension, or depression. The impact of child abuse and neglect can be complex as well as long-lasting. It has also emotional as well as the psychological impact on the victim children and these impacts can be devastating that may affect every aspect of the life of a child. 

The impact of child abuse and neglect can be categorized into three categories such as physical impact, psychological impact, as well as behavioral impact. The physical impact of abuse and neglect can be minor as well as severe depending on the situation and incident. It may range from bruises to broken bones or internal bleeding. It may also lead to physical pain as well as injuries. Child abuse and neglect have a severe impact on brain development as well as the cognitive ability of a child. 

The psychological impact of child abuse and neglect is also severe. It directly affects mental health. Child abuse and neglect can have life long consequences on the mental health of a child and a child may be affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety and mood disorder. There is a significant link between child abuse and depression in the later stage of life. A child who is a victim of abuse and neglect is more likely to form an insecure attachment with people in society. They cannot trust and communicate effectively with the people in the society.  

Child abuse and neglect can also lead to behavior issues in the child during childhood as well as throughout adolescence. It has been found in researches that people who have faced abuse and neglect in childhood have a tendency towards internalizing behavior. They may be sad or act like withdrawn or being aggressive, etc.

Therefore, it is very important to focus on protecting children from abuse and neglect and in order to protect them there is a need to develop effective approaches and strategies. There are some proven approaches and strategies that can significantly be used to protect children from abuse and neglect and provide them a better environment in which they can grow and develop effectively. 

A public health approach to prevent child abuse and neglect is one of the significant approaches that can be used to prevent children from abuse and neglect. It focuses on promoting child safety and security. There is an effective program called early childhood home visiting program that provides support as well as link families to appreciate services. Under this program, there are several other sub-activities that help in preventing child abuse and neglect such as the nurse family partnership as well as an early head start. The nurse family partnership program has been proved to be the most effective program to prevent child abuse and neglect. It has been found that it reduces child abuse and neglect by 48%. So, there are several evidence-based programs that can be used to prevent children from abuse and neglect. This paper aims at highlighting the issue and identifying programs to prevent child abuse and neglect. It also proposes strategies that can be used to protect the child from abuse and neglect and to provide interventions to those who have been the victim of abuse and neglect to live a healthy and happy life.


Definition of the paper

Chile Abuse and Neglect: child abuse and neglect are the acts the lead to injuries or even death of children. It may include sexual abuse, emotional and physical harm. 

Physical Impact: physical impact includes physical injuries that can affect health or even lead to death of children. 

Psychological Impact: psychological impact affects the mental health of children that may have life long impact on them. It includes stress, hypertension, depression, etc. 

Behavioural Impact: behavioural impact affects the action and activities of the children who are victim of child abuse and neglect. It includes feeling like sad or withdrawn or being aggressive. 

Public Health Approach: this is an approach that promotes safety and security of children and their overall development. 

The nurse family partnership program: under this program, nurses and family members collaborate with each other to provide effective care to children to protect them from abuse and neglect. 



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Spano, R., David, M. A., Jeffries, S. R., & Bolland, J. M. (2017). Family matters: examining child abuse and neglect as family dysfunction for minority youth living in extreme poverty. Violence and victims, 32(6), 1063-1078.

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