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Formal Analysis of Gnosis

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This essay should be approximately 500 words. Please use the pronoun “I” when it feels right to do so. Art historians often employ the phrase “the eye” when referring to the writer’s (i.e. your) visual experience. 


Answer :


Formal Analysis of Gnosis, stag hunt from Pella


The Stag Hunt Mosaic art was found in Pella, Greece. It is a striking piece of pebble mosaic. In this square shaped mosaic we see two nude hunters and their hound attacking a stag. The mosaic is ornamented with wavy floral themed emblem filled with intricate details (Kleiner, 2015). The impressive factor is the unique use of natural pebbles. I found the intelligent use of light and shade in the mosaic to be the most fascinating part. The beautiful balance comes from the light-coloured pebbles against dark background. The style is similar to a red-figure vase painting as the figures are arranged against a dark background (Kleiner, 2015). The creation of illusion is one of the key characteristics of this mosaic. Two kinds of weapons are seen. The hunter on the left is holding a double-edged axe in a raised which seems like he is about to attack the stag. The hunter on the right holds the stag by its horn. The weapon here is the dagger. The hound is also attacking the stag from the front and its legs have been shortened so that it creates the illusion of a sprinting hound (Small, 2019). Frontal image of the figures are presented. The nudity of the figures work as a contrasting feature to the depicted violent act (Small, 2019). The hunter on the right side is wearing a cloak though which is flying in the air, adding to the illusion of movement. Skiagraphia shading style has been delicately applied to create realistic muscle structures (Britannica, 2020). The cloak has the same shading style. Lined have been introduced in the figures and the cloak to create realistic texture and illusion of direction. The metal component of the weapons have been highlighted through the use of different coloured pebbles. The illusion factor is a repeated element in every aspect of this mosaic. I have observed that the use of natural pebbled has a warm coloured touch to the characters’ movements (Britannica, 2020). It is a depiction of victory which is further highlighted by the dark pebble background. It reflects the energy of the characters. The stag has a speckled skin which is another minute realistic detail that enhances the painting. The work is created with a central frame aimed at producing three dimensional effect.  The pebbles have been modelled with the help of terracotta and lead strips which creates a fine line of distinction between the pebbles (Small, 2019). It blends together to create a comprehensive mosaic art and yet keeps the individual aspects of each element intact. The nudity has been boldly presented and the modelling process creates solid figurine illusion. The hunters have been posed along the ground line and the three dimensional illusion is further enhanced through the overlapping depiction of all the characters in the mosaic (Kleiner, 2015). The cohesive work of different pebble colours, line drawing, figure poses and overall shading style adds depth to this depiction. The colour scheme might apparently look simple but there is heavy ornamentation involved in each detail and therefore, although the mosaic was set on a floor perspective painting forms an essential quality in this piece of art (Small, 2019). 


1 Reference

Britannica. (2020, July 23). Classical period (c. 500–323 BC). Retrieved from Encyclopaedia Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/art/Western-painting/Classical-period-c-500-323-bc#ref582347

Kleiner, F. (2015). Gardner's Art Through the Ages. Boston: Cengage Learning.

Small. (2019). Circling Round Vitruvius, Linear Perspective, and the Design of Roman Wall Painting. Arts.

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