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Geography Appalachian Mountain

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Question :


Review two of the following NASA Earth Observatory Articles.

For each, write a 300 word summary of the article in the appropriate text box. Consider:

What was the article about?

What new thing did you learn?

What did you like?

What did you not find interesting?

Any other points you’d like to make.


Answer :


The article “Appalachian Mountain” was published on November 17, 2012, that talks about the regional view of Appalachian Mountain. The article highlights the regional view of the mountain that shows the striking visual effect of the valley-and-ridge topography of the mountain. The image of the mountain shows more than 300 miles of the mountain chain from northeast Pennsylvania to southern West Virginia. The reflection of sunlight it is very to hard to detect cities from space. But it helps astronauts and guides them to take photographs of the nation's capital, Washington D.C. The article further highlights the formation of the Appalachian mountain and its appearance. The mountain appears striped due to forested ridges that provide a dark as well as dense canopy cover. The rocks that form this valley-and-ridges province are more than 540 to 300 million years old. The article also highlights the result of the tectonic collision. Due to the tectonic collision, a major mountain chain built that is much higher than the Appalachian range.

The article is very interesting as it helps in learning several things about the Appalachian mountain. With the help of this article, I have learned how the Appalachian range appears and what are the reasons behind it. The article also informs about the formation of the Appalachian range. I liked the article because it helps in learning the geographical fact of the Appalachian range. I liked the way the article described the view of the Appalachian mountain. Apart from this, the article also highlights the characteristics of the mountain. 

One thing that I did not find interesting about the article is the language of the article. It is very tough to read and understand for those readers who are not from a geography background. Thus, the language should be simple so that every individual can read and understand easily.


The Appalachian Mountains. (2020). Retrieved 6 July 2020, from https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/80088/appalachian-mountains

The Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Still Cloudy, With a Chance of Clearing. (2020). Retrieved 6 July 2020, from https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/Chesapeake

World of Change: Growing Deltas in Atchafalaya Bay. (2020). Retrieved 6 July 2020, from https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/world-of-change/wax_lake.php


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