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Geography Human Diversity of South Asia

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Question :


1. what is Arab League, and what does it seek?

2. what are the typical features of medinas?

3. Which groups have experienced greater recognition of human rights, and which have experienced an erosion of their human rights?


4. How do the economies of the oil producers and non-oil-producing countries in this region compare with each other in terms of income fluctuations and levels of diversification?

5. How do Israel's geography and development contrast with those of the other countries of this region?


1. List 3 Middle Eastern countries and 3 words that describe each country

2. Choose a cultural issue/topic about the Middle East that you think should be of interest to the class. Conflicts not Included. Locate a website that describes your issue, and how it relates the role of women, Geopolitics or Regional Economic powers such as UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. Summarize the issue as follows:

i. Nature of issue

ii. Your reflections/thoughts on the issue, with regards to the class material (lectures, videos, textbook, etc.)


Answer :




1. Arab League is a union or intergovernmental organization of Middle East countries and African countries where people mostly speak Arabic. The main purpose of the Arab League is to strengthen ties among the member countries, promote their common interest, as well as coordinate their policies.

2. Medians are typically walled with narrow streets.

3. The people of Syria, Libya, Iraq, Palestine, as well as Yamen have experienced an erosion of their human rights whereas the people of Israel have experienced greater recognition of human rights. 


4. Oil-producing countries are more stable than non-oil producing countries in terms of economy. Oil-producing countries have higher GDP and diversification as compared to non-oil producing countries.

5. The geography and development of Israel have created conflicts with other countries of this region and major conflict is with Palestine. 


6. Three Middle East countries; 

i) Saudi Arabia: generosity, practicing, and luxury in discipline 

ii) United Arab Emirates: Luxury, futuristic, and excellence 

iii) Qatar: Calm, high potential, rich 

7. Status of women in society is one of the key cultural issues in the Middle East.

8. Women in the Middle East were not allowed to go outside and get an education or work with men. However, their status in the society is improving day by day and they have proved themselves in almost every field.

URL: https://www.culturalsurvival.org/publications/cultural-survival-quarterly/law-and-women-middle-east

9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME6cocZmIF0

Highlights of the video: Women in Saudi Arabia were not considered equal to men but Saudi Arabia is overcoming this perception by allowing women to participate in businesses and other economic activities. However, there is a long road to go to achieve equality. 



1. There are several cultural elements that have contributed to the human diversity of South Asia such as languages, religion, and ethnicity. There are more than hundreds of languages, several popular religions, and ethnic groups in South Asia.

2. Asia is the largest continent and most populous continent in the world. South Asia has planes, mountains, and hilly areas. The climate of South Asia is also rich with variations such as winter, summer, and rainy season. It makes South Asia's natural environment dynamic and full of contrast.


3. South Asia: rich culture, dynamic natural environment, progressing 

4. Overpopulation is one of the most significant social issues South Asia is facing for several decades.

5. South Asia shares almost half of the population of the world that and most of the people are trapped in severe poverty. Overpopulation is not only leading to social issues but also environmental issues. It also creates a problem in the way of growth and development of the countries in South Asia. Elementary education is not compulsory in many of these countries and hence a large portion of the population is still illiterate. Children do not go to school to get an education. People are unskilled labor and hence they are getting less pay. Thus, there is no way to get out of it, if the population is not controlled in these countries.

6. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeTSy3-2p1U

Highlights: in this video, the major issue that has been identified is the lack of awareness of human rights in India and South Asia. Most people are not aware of human rights and hence it is very hard to have a progressive society. There is a lack of education that should be improved to make the country progressive.


Bradshaw, M., Dymond, J., White, G., & Chacko, E. (2004). Contemporary world regional geography. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.


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