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History Address the Protest in Diverse Locales

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Address the protest in diverse locales: Malaysia, Nepal, and Mexico. What unites the concerns of the peasants of Sedaka, the Maoist rebels in Nepal, and the Zapatistas in Chiapas? What do these struggles reveal about the future for peasant societies in a global, capitalist world? 



The concerns that unites the peasants of Sedaka, Maoist Rebels in Nepal and the Zapatistas in Chiapas are poverty, inequality, oppression by the rich, adverse effects of technology advancements and globalization, and loss of livelihood. In Malaysia, the green revolution emphasized the problems of inequality. On a collective level, the statistics implied the betterment of the peasants but actually inequality in land and income distribution increased among the rich and poor and broke the traditional interdependency relationships. Rich farmers took benefits of modern technologies and continued exploitation of poor farmers. Similarly, in Terai area of Nepal the peasants faced oppression in the resettlements post-eradication of Malaria. Besides, changes in constructions to create resettlements increased flooding and changed crop patterns from subsistence to cash crops harmed the poor farmers. Similar inequities were present in Mexico as well when landholdings became increasingly concentrated. Even the government sold off lands belonging to the peasants to the foreign investors. The highly stratified society also contributed to the oppression. Although peasants are being systematically removed from systems, they can come back to control global competition through sustainable production and monopoly in core countries of production.


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