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History Anti-systemic in Robbins Sense

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In what ways were they not "anti-systemic" in Robbins' sense?



the author stresses on the fact that the seemingly anti-systemic struggles of Occupy Wall Street and Arab Spring are not actually rebellions against the capitalist culture. Rather, it has been pointed out that the root causes of rebellion are the social and economic exploitations faced by the rebels and the fight is for equality and freedom and not necessarily against the system. While opposing capitalism was a fragment of the entire protest, there were different concerns of government bailout of banks, campaign finance and corruption in voting system. Also, Wall Street was largely symbolic to the protest and it do not really hold capitalism as central point of concern.

In contrast, anti-systemic movements are those of Pennsylvania and Malaysia where mine laborers protested against mine operators and poor peasants protested against richer peasants and landowners. In case of these anti-systemic protests, the target oppressor was clearly identified. The source of distress in the form of a person or system is identified in such cases but completely lacks in the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street moments. Therefore, the author has regarded these as not anti-systemic revolts.


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