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Jackie Fouse Study Assignment

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The first report subject is Jacqualyn (Jackie) Fouse. Ms. Fouse is a graduate of the UT Arlington College of Business. She can be easily searched by her name. HINT In order to understand the importance of Ms. Fouse's work, you must understand the importance of the Bio Tech Industry.


Answer :


Jackie Fouse

Jacqualyn Fouse or Jackie Fouse is an American businesswoman who is one of the most influential women in the world. She was born on 5th December 1961 and currently lives in New York, the United State of America. She has also lived in Wellfleet MA. She is currently working with five organizations. She is also working as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as well as Director at Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc. The organization is focused on discovering as well as developing therapeutics in the field of cancer metabolism. The organization develops drugs focusing on fatty acid metabolism, glycolysis, as well as autophagy. The organization is operating in the United States of America. She is also on the board of Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. as well as Incyte Corp. 

Jackie Fouse has completed her graduation degree from the University of Texas at Arlington. She has also done her master's degree as well as Ph.D. from the same university. She has worked as a strategic advisor at Calgene Corp from April 2017 to June 2017. After that, she assumed the role of Chairman: Dermavent Sciences at Roivant Sciences Ltd. From July 2017 to September 2018. In February 2019, she assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer at Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc. and currently serving the same company. She is also the board member at Incyte Corp, Dick’s Sporting Goods Inc. as well as Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc.  She is one of the most successful businesswomen in the world and hence based on her abilities, she is now a well-known individual in the world.

Jackie Fouse established an endowed scholarship in order to help students to pursue higher education without any financial difficulties. She has also helped in creating an endowed chair in one of the noted Goolsby Leadership Academy of the University of Texas, Arlington with a gift of $250,000. With the help of this generous support, the University can accrue long-term benefits to faculty as well as students. The college of business used the available matching fund and leveraged the gift into $500,000. Later on, it was split into two different endowments such as the Goolsby Jacqualyn A. Fouse Endowed Chair as well as the Jacqualyn A. Fouse Endowed Scholarship. She sees her commitment as an investment in the future of the program because the program will support and help significantly both students and faculty. With the help of the program, a rigorous study in a broad range of subjects such as effective leadership and business is provided. She is focusing on helping students to get higher education along with improving the standard of education. She was working when she decided to attend college. It was a very tough decision because she was already working but as she was not satisfied with her job, she got enrolled in the University of Texas, Arlington where she got a great education. She has states that the University has given her a lot in terms of education and career and now the time is to give back to the university in order to create more and greater opportunities for students and faculty.

The journey of Jackie Fouse is very motivating and encouraging to achieve something bigger and great in life. She has achieved a milestone in her life that if analyzed can change the outlook of an individual. Her journey is very inspiring and appealing. It is very important to have commitments in life as well as strategies and goals so that the individual can move forward in the right direction to achieve the goal and be successful. Jackie Fouse had a commitment to do something and she did that. Apart from this, it can also be seen she has the ability to make a critical decision effectively. It helps in understanding that focusing on the goals and taking the right decision at the right time can significantly help in achieving the goal as she decided to join college while she was working. Her journey also motivates to give back to everyone who has supported you to achieve your goal. Thus, it can be said that after studying the journey of Jackie Fouse, the outlook of an individual can change effectively. 


Denner, A. J. ner of Sarissa Capital Management. He joined ARIAD’s board in February 2014. Nature, 201, 6.

Popovici-Muller, J., Lemieux, R. M., Artin, E., Saunders, J. O., Salituro, F. G., Travins, J., ... & Chen, P. (2018). Discovery of AG-120 (Ivosidenib): a first-in-class mutant IDH1 inhibitor for the treatment of IDH1 mutant cancers. ACS medicinal chemistry letters, 9(4), 300-305. 


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