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Complete all three of the Lab Projects at the end of Chapter 5 of your Survey of Operating Systems textbook (p. 206). Provide a 3-5 paragraph (a full page) explanation of each project.  Your answers should be in a Word-compatible document with proper attention to formatting, spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Answer :


LAB PROJECT 5.1 The authors had to pick and choose what to present in a single chapter. One big topic that we could not cover is the specifics of working with the installed Modern apps and how well they share data. Pick two apps, such as Mail and People, and test them, even if you need to create a temporary Hotmail account with Microsoft and enter fictitious names and data into the People app. Or try the Music, Video, and Pictures apps and describe how they share data. Then describe what you did and how the two apps you selected share data.

Answer: No matter what operating system are using, there must be the inclusion of all hardware requirement which meets to the current computer. Windows 8.1 is the advanced operating systems that carry the innovative GUI(graphical user interface)application. It is a multi-touch complied GUI model which runs on the metro interface (Papadimitriou andMoussiades, 2016). Modern GUI contains the comprehensive applications that permit to continue the smart communication without any difficulty. Here, finds theminimum requirement to do work as follows.

Fast preprocessor to continue work

64 Bit RAM to open all raw data without any hindrance

At least 1366*768 resolution for clarity of all text data vision

The start screen of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 introduces the application name along with identity. Being windows 8.1 is the part of the system, you see the home base and launching to start the same work whichever wished. Swipe on the right side of the screen and open the charm bar to share the information via advanced technique.  Clicking on start icon you find the create segment which further divided into the mail. Having clicked on this option, you find the separate window mail with the symbol of the envelope.   

The sub-windows ask the way to add an account in different ways e.g. outlook.com, exchange, google, yahoo, icloud, and other account variables in the form of IMAP and POP protocol. For instant, I choose the choice to add an account with outlook.com (Stallings and Manna, 2015). By doing so, it asks two alternative options to sign in. The sign-in option is available through email, phone number, and skype. If not a member of Microsoft, then it is a bit requested to create an account.

If you create a new account, then there does not come any difficulty to the open outlook dashboard panel. It says all done and your account set up successfully. The left side outlook mail permits for new mail and can contact all professionals whose id already knows.  Sending mail indicates you hold on while we fetch mail. The failure message tells that mail has put in the draft folder.

LAB PROJECT 5.2 Another topic not included in this chapter is how this version of Windows handles digital media. Explore Windows Media Player (WMP), an app included with both editions, researching what it can and cannot do. Then provide a solution, available from Microsoft (or another source) including how you add this solution to each edition, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.1 Pro.

Answer: In fact, the windows media player is one of the authenticated applications which provide toenjoy the lots of features to a great extent. When it comes to taking the additional attributes of rich media text expect with image and other things, you need to use the windows media player. It is used for creating the video, audio and image file (Piepenbrink et al., 2018).  Among the different range of operating systems, the windows operating system is the best tool to organize all audio and video file formats. There is no compulsion that you are forced to hear all audio files in its defined time limit.  It is up to you how extent to rip the lengthy bit of film.  It does not matter you want to fragment in how many parts and segments.

First question is that how can rip either audio or video data.  As a computer or laptop is formatted with the inclusion of the Windows operating system, the hard disk drive automatically receives the window media player application. This facility is available in the present all versions of Windows since 2000. After the introduction of Windows 8, it provides the Xbox music app to organize the video and audio files automatically (Newman and Pisula, 2018). In other words, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 comprise it in hidden form.

How to find the windows media player

Go on the start menu and type the text wmp. Henceforth, you must right click on the symbol of WMP and check out what can you do or not.  For getting the easy-grip all time, it is good to pin on the traditional desktop taskbar.

The thing you can do with windows media player

•  Windows let display audio, video and image file

•  Crop the audio file as per defined time limit

•  Play the video after operating music compact disk

•  Video file AVI and MPEG4 are supported by it.

•  Audio file supported by MP3, WMA, CDA, WAV

Things you can’t do with windows media player

•  It does not provide flexibility to choose sound quality

•  There is fix a limit to download CD cover upto 200x200 pixel


How to set up windows media player in windows?

Type the windows media player in the start window, a new window will open which opens with a radio button namely recommended and custom setting (Elliott et al., 2019). Now, click open to close your result.

LAB PROJECT 5.3 In addition to the three account types, you can also choose to sign in using a picture password or a PIN. Research these options and pick one and write a description of how you enable it and your opinion of the value and weakness of that option.

Clicking on windows application, the appearance of the horizontal menu labeled with different list items namely all, apps, documents, Email, web, more with its submenu. The last men item more which again distribute sublist item referred to as the setting. Once navigate on the setting, an appropriate option comes with managing your account (Silberschatz et al., 2018).

Management of account can be done with your info, Email and account, sign in option, Access work or school, family and another user, another setting.


How to sign in the picture password?

Let us move on the way to sign in windows 10, windows 8 and windows 8.1.

Reach on security prompt option after filling a password. After that, you click on ok.  The windows suggest some generic pictures with the intention to set up a picture password. From the picture library, you can choose the picture (Thibadeau and Donnell, 2017).

•  After selecting this picture, it asks how looks like.

•  After that, set up a gesture.

•  Choose the gesture which lasts

The weakest point of windows picture password:

•  The decryption of password can lead to risk

•  Authentication is not up to the mark

The benefit of picture password:

•  Unlocking the credential gets easy


Elliott, G. J., Saunders, R. W., Thomas, M. C., & Gupta, M. (2019). U.S. Patent No. 10,261,665. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Newman, L. C., &Pisula, C. J. (2018). U.S. Patent No. 9,946,583. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Papadimitriou, S., &Moussiades, L. (2016). A Comparative Evaluation of Core Kernel Features of the Recent Linux FreeBSD Solaris and Windows Operating Systems. In Proc. World Congress on Eng. (WCE 16).

Piepenbrink, D. J., Chow, L. M., &Sofos, J. T. (2018). U.S. Patent No. 9,967,608. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Silberschatz, A., Gagne, G., & Galvin, P. B. (2018). Operating system concepts. Wiley.

Stallings, W., & Manna, M. M. (2015). Operating systems: internals and design principles.

Thibadeau, R. H., & Donnell, J. D. (2017). U.S. Patent No. 9,813,411. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


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