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Law Ethics & Policies in HR Improving Performance

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Write a 3-5 page essay outlining tactics an HR manager can take to improve work performance, considering differences In cultural perception and stereotypes. Use your experience, the research, and the lecture to create a plan to approach these differences as an HR Manager.

Answer :


Brief summary 

This current research study article involves the mutual perceptions of the French and Russian manager is one topic of great interest in reading. This research paper is explanatory in nature, examining the management culture from the Russian and French work environment. Each of them provides their perception and thought accordingly. Such research study utilizes culture conceptualization, also helping in reflecting the cultural dimensions. These dimensions receive support through one framework for studying the perceptions of the managers' host culture towards foreign cultures (Muratbekova-Touron, 2011). Such article utilizes charts and qualitative data for supporting and showing their findings accordingly.

Such research study helps in contrasting and comparing the Russian and French managers. It revealed that the French turned out to be passive-aggressive while the Russians turned out to be abrasive and aggressive. Such perceptions and dimensions form both France and Russia is that framework for such research study. This research study keeps elaborating the downfalls and benefits for every culture. It even elaborated the impact each culture had upon the French and Russians working in those foreign countries. Such research study revealed the asymmetrical nature of mutual perceptions and assumptions (Muratbekova-Touron, 2011). It indicates where the French and Russian managers working in France and Russia, not utilizing similar dimensions culturally for distinguishing their cultures respectively.          


Characteristics based on cultural dimensions

In such a research study, the 4th table helps in elaborating regarding the characteristics perceived by the Russians from the management culture in France. From it, there are several cultural dimensions mentioned like Russophobia, language, space, high context communication and feminine. There are also other dimensions mentioned like individualism, universalism, human nature, neutral vs. emotional, time and hierarchy. During the comparison of such hierarchies of both Russia and France, the opinion took place from 50% of the Russian managers. Their opinion involved the management culture in France having lesser hierarchies compared to the culture in Russia. The French managers did not seem to micromanage and were unable to intervene among problems unless required. However, the Russians turned out being way less diplomatic. They wanted to know regarding the things going on all the time. Also, the management in France perceives the employees involved being equal to them, providing them with further respect compared to the Russian managers.  

Open communication did not seem to take place much when it comes to Russian management. But, the French management seemed to show great importance towards it. The Russian managers expressed their feelings regarding working under the management in France. The considered it as challenging when it is about the communication context. They felt that the management in France was unable to become forthcoming regarding their feelings and thoughts. In similar terms, the Russians expressed where the French people could never address where they did not like them or spoke too aggressively. The French turned out to be not as honest and as blunt as the Russians. Contrastingly, the Russians turned out in being insensitive and aggressive due to their straight-forward attitude and aggressiveness.

The characteristics of human nature discussed upon collecting the data from those French managers depending upon their perceptions towards those Russian managers. Such perceptions involved these Russian managers operating with conformity through the theory of X by McGregor. These French managers even expressed their feelings. They mentioned where the Russian managers micromanaged their subordinates and are controlling due to having a lack of trust towards them. Interestingly enough, the Russians, however, working in French management expressed some good sides regarding the French employees. They mentioned that they were more polite, organized and responsible compared to the Russians.


Cultural stereotypes and perception

When going through this research study, both Russia and France presented their cultural stereotypes and perceptions. Few stereotypes are there where the French have matters against the Russians forming some negative undertones. These french managers kept on viewing the Russian managers perceiving them as disinterested, authoritarian and bureaucratic in their job. Also, the French clients present their lack of trust towards these Russian mangers (Ogbonnaya & Messersmith,, 2019). Also, they, at times, believed that the finances are arriving form mafia if through the Russians. Such stereotypes, however, cannot be considered as accurate always. Throughout analysing this research study, it is revealed that neither the French nor the Russians had any perception towards each other accurately. Such perceptions come from their dimensions culturally along with the differences among both the Russians and French. 

The human resources are able to provide influences upon organizational and cultural changes positively several kinds of practices. Those practices are diversity training, recruitment, succession planning, accountability, measurement, diversity-linked performance, strategic organizational plan incorporating diversity and leadership commitment.  Setting up diversity within one workplace keeps helping the organizations in achieving success optimally (Bos-Nehles & Meijerink,, 2018). Human resources are able to facilitate further implementations of such programs in one strategic plan as well. Such would help the subordinates and managers in becoming further vigilant and aware regarding these cultural differences along with workplace experiencing changes.   

Such a goal in this matter involves having the management of top levels for communicating their vision through demonstrations in the organization throughout. It even involves the alignment of a diversified strategy and planning through organizational strategic planning. Having such diversified programs in one place would benefit the cultural and organizational needs greatly. Such a diversified program would be great enough for the cultural dimensions of the Russian and French managers in the workplace. Such was apparent enough where neither the Russians nor the French seemed to understand each other's culture or methods. Even though they kept having this idea and coming up with their views and perceptions, still such was not accurate enough (van Harten et al., 2020). The benefits involving the ways both such cultures operate and if both keep implementing diversified programs in strategic planning then things would change. Such can help them in building stronger partnerships and work relationships.



Such research study kept pointing out those matters which are both thought-provoking and relevant. Such perceptions coming from both the Russians and French regarding their cultural dimensions were very much asymmetrical. The cultures form them played into the ways they performed their roles heavily. It seems that both the Russians and French have qualities which would provide benefits on one another. But, because of their perceptions towards each other, a certain block is created which is not allowing them for taking these into consideration. During work situations, it is imperative that for experiences like the French and Russians, a diversified program is required. Such would help in putting wrong assumptions and stereotypes in rest. As mentioned before, such would also help in providing great relationships in the workplace along with further success in performance and productivity.    


HR management plan

For implementation by an HR manager, a strategic plan needs basis upon the strategic plans of the department and the organization. Once such strategic plan is created, the HR manager would be able to start working based on the plan. 

Recruiting diversified employees- diverse panel members are utilized for evaluating candidates for possible vacancies. Relationships with the target group are developed and strengthened. The target here involves the Russians in the french management and the French in Russian management. Serving as liaison is continued with the employees, encouraging them for applying in programs of development (Noda, 2020). Emphasis is increased for developing those feeder groups for the potential program of leadership and other programs. The recruitment strategies are modified and reviewed for attending and identifying job fairs for the target group.

Retaining and developing diversified employees- strategies are communicated for clarifying links among strategies of diversity management and accomplishment of the mission. The IDPs (individual development plans), training needs assessments and the support skills require consistency with the workforce goals and mission priorities. Such priorities and goals here involve the understanding between the French and Russian subordinates and managers. Organizational assessment is conducted for determining the areas of improvement and the organizational strengths related to the management principles of diversity. Action plans are developed for addressing any improvements in certain areas. Such might be identified through office-specific organizational assessments or employee satisfaction survey results. Certain mechanisms are enhanced for the employees and managers for expressing their concerns and ideas towards workplace issues and diversity. Such mechanisms involve staff meetings, discussion groups etc. The diversity management efforts and the agency EEO is promoted through effective means of communication (Bos-Nehles & Meijerink,, 2018). Diversity is promoted through committees and major task forces. Such continuous development is supported through managerial leadership, administrative and technical talent for ensuring continuity.     

Increasing employee diversity among managerial and senior positions- the qualified employees are supported for participating in external and internal leadership and development programs of execution. The staffs are provided with developmental opportunities, mentoring and meaningful career planning. Such is done for exposing them into senior management. Focus groups are held or surveys are conducted for determining any concerns or problems. Such might involve fairness in awards, promotions, appraisals, developmental opportunities and recruitment. The perceived barriers (discussed during the article analysis) are addressed and identified for opportunities for advancement. Emphasis is increased toward the development of applicants of the feeder group for the executive development and leadership programs. The employees are needed to be provided with challenging assignments for developing executive qualifications at the core.



Bos-Nehles, A. C., & Meijerink, J. G. (2018). HRM implementation by multiple HRM actors: A social exchange perspective. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(22), 3068-3092.

Muratbekova-Touron, M. (2011). Mutual perception of Russian and French managers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(8), 1723-1740.

Noda, T. (2020). Employee trust in management and mutual gains hypothesis in Japanese firms. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 55, 101062.

Ogbonnaya, C., & Messersmith, J. (2019). Employee performance, well‐being, and differential effects of human resource management subdimensions: Mutual gains or conflicting outcomes?. Human Resource Management Journal, 29(3), 509-526.

van Harten, J., De Cuyper, N., Guest, D., Fugate, M., Knies, E., & Forrier, A. (2020). Introduction to special issue on HRM and employability: mutual gains or conflicting outcomes?.

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