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Leadership as a Vocation

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Leadership as a vocation

Leadership is a very broad and dynamic concept. It is not a job for the people to do rather a responsibility towards the followers, organization, or the community. It does not only bring changes within the society but also work for the betterment of the people of the society. Leadership is considered as a vocation or calling which includes some moral as well as personal commitments of the leaders (Antonakis and Day, 2017). The commitments, as well as the responsibilities of a leader, include the following;

The leader is accountable for the good as well as the bad result of his or her decision. It has been found that people take the credit of good results while blaming others for the bad result of their decision. But in the case of the leader, the leader takes responsibility for the bad result instead of blaming others. The leaders consider themselves as accountable for the progress, growth, as well as development of the organization. They are responsible for inspiring the people around them. The leader should create the vision for the people and encourage as well as motivate the people to achieve the vision. A vocational leader always strives to help the people and make a difference in their lives. The responsibility of a vocational leader is to lead the group of individuals from the front. One of the most significant moral responsibilities of a vocation leader is that the vocation leader always believes in sharing credit instead of taking credit for all the good work (Robertson, 2016). The leader always gives credit to the employees for excellent work and in case of failure takes responsibility as well as accountability of the failure. The leader always motivates the people and helps the people to achieve their goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. So, based on the above discussion it can be said that leadership is something different from a job or career.




Antonakis, J., & Day, D. V. (Eds.). (2017). The nature of leadership. Sage publications.

Robertson, J. (2016). Coaching leadership: Building educational leadership capacity through partnership. New Zealand Council for Educational Research. PO Box 3237, Wellington 6140 New Zealand.

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