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Leadership Profile

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The Leadership Profile assignment seeks to expose you to leaders that exemplify leadership qualities.This provides an opportunity to consider (if you have not already)the qualities of leadership with which youmost identify.

Identify effective leadership traits.Search for a business leader that exemplifies the leadership trait.Identify the company and job title for each business leader.Include a description of how the leader exemplifies the leadership trait.Describe if the leadership trait inspires followership and why.


Leadership Matrix:


Leadership Summary:

Provide a 250-500 word summary that further explains the role of power and influence within leadership.Which traits do you believe will inspire others?What qualities do you believe will foster effective leadership?Provide at two to five references,which may include the textbook.


APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options,documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


Answer :


The Leadership Profile assignment seeks to expose you to leaders that exemplify leadership qualities.This provides an opportunity to consider (if you have not already)the qualities of leadership with which youmost identify.


Identify effective leadership traits.Search for a business leader that exemplifies the leadership trait.Identify the company and job title for each business leader.Include a description of how the leader exemplifies the leadership trait.Describe if the leadership trait inspires followership and why.


Leadership Matrix:


Leadership Summary:

Provide a 250-500-word summary that further explains the role of power and influence within leadership.Which traits do you believe will inspire others?What qualities do you believe will foster effective leadership?Provide at two to five references,which may include the textbook.

APA format is required for essays only. Solid academic writing is always expected. For all assignment delivery options,documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.



A leader always possesses power as well as influence and he or she uses power and influence in different situations to get the work done effectively and efficiently. Sometimes, power works well while sometimes influence work well. But it is always believed that influence motivates as well as inspires people to work effectively and efficiently (James et al., 2019). Power works when there is neck to neck deadline and the people are reluctant to accept the change. Power is also useful to transfer or assign roles and responsibility to the people. Influence creates team spirit and helps in building collaboration and cooperation within the team (Silva, 2016).

There are several traits which significantly inspire others such as optimism, innovation and creativity, positivity, visionary, accountability as well as responsibility. These traits of leadership create a sense of motivation to do something in the mind of the people (Lebrón, 2018). They induce them to perform and achieve the goals and objectives.

The following qualities will foster effective leadership;

1)      Honesty and integrity

2)      Inspiring others

3)      Delegation and empowerment

4)      Decision making abilities

5)      Accountability

6)      Good communication skills


James, C., Crawford, M., &Oplatka, I. (2019). An affective paradigm for educational leadership theory and practice: connecting affect, actions, power and influence. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 22(5), 617-628.

Silva, A. (2016). What is leadership?. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 8(1), 1.

Lebrón, M. J. (2018). Power to Influence Leadership Perceptions and Innovatively Challenge the Status Quo: President Donald Trump and Social Activism. Journal of Leadership Education, 17(2), 92-113.


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