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Manage Difficult Conversations Case Study Conflict

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Review the company overview and the case study overview in the Final Project Case Study document. Create an outline of the pattern of facts leading up to the case study conflict, including the identification of stakeholders in the conflict. Your outline will help you determine the fact pattern needed to complete


ABC Corporation Conflict

All facts leading up to the case study conflict

Kareem one of the employees of ABC corporation was terminated by the manager of the call center Thomas by citing poor performance and an unusual break from work. He was a practicing Muslim and taking a regular break for prayer often in a day. The conflict started when Michael shaw him several times in the bathroom washing his hand, face, and feet as well as in a corner with strange body movement and talking to himself. It was not cool in the eyes of Michael and he thought that every individual in the call center is putting their complete effort to boost the performance and productivity of the call center while Kareem is wandering in the call center compromising the standard and productivity of the organization. He noticed Kareem several times and then reported to Janet the supervisor of the call center. When Janet got noticed of the absence of Kareem from the workstation quite often daily, she reported it to Thomas the manager of the call center. One thing that should be considered is that no one preferred to talk to Kareem on the identified issue in order to understand why Kareem is leaving his workstation often daily (Tommy & Oetzel, 2016). As Thomas got informed about the situation of Kareem, he started looking closely and observing Kareem's performance. He also found that the number of Kareem was dropping. Thomas is very strict about the productivity of every member working in his call center. So, without talking to Kareem on the situation, Thomas made the decision to terminate him. Janet was called by Thomas to be the witness of the conversation when he terminated Kareem. Janet could not say anything regarding the performance of Kareem because she knew that when Thomas has made a decision no one can stop him from doing the same. It is also important to know that, Kareem's performance was not that poor and hence his performance could not be a ground to terminate him. Janet and Kathy (one of the friends of Kareem) have also stated that the performance of Kareem was good.

Stakeholders in the conflict

The key stakeholders in underlying conflict are the manager of the call center, the supervisor, employees including (Kathy and Michael), Kareem, the ER representative, and the management of the organization. Kareem, Thomas, Janet, Michael, and ER representative are directly involved in the conflict while Kathy and other employees of the call center are also key stakeholders of the conflict because they will also be affected by the decision taken by the manager. Apart from this, the management of the organization is also a key stakeholder of the conflict because the management would also be affected by the decision. If such a decision will be practiced by Thomas regularly, the reputation of the organization will be damaged in the market and hence talent human resources will not prefer to work with the organization (Kaduk et al., 2019). Apart from this, the media and the government are also stakeholders of the conflict.




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