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Managing International Operations Marketing and Organizational Structures

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What are the main points and arguments of the author in article Marketing Capabilities in International Marketing and What is your opinion of the article?


The article “Marketing Capabilities in International Marketing” is written by Morgan et al., 2018.

They have explained the concept of capabilities as a complex bundle of skills as well as the knowledge that is embedded in the organizational process with the help of which the available resources of an organization are transformed into valuable outputs. The capability of an organization is one of the key sources of competitive advantages that could not be imitated by rival companies. When the capabilities of an organization develop over time and become embedded in the process of the organization, it is very tough for competitors to observe and imitate, and hence it enables the organization to enjoy competitive advantages in the market. Marketing capabilities is the ability of the organization to use the available resources in order to accomplish marketing tasks in such a way that can help the organization to achieve the desired marketing outcomes (Morgan et al., 2018). Some of the key characteristics of marketing capabilities are the following; valuable, inimitable, as well as non-substitutable. These characteristics are essential for developing sustainable competitive advantages along with superior firm performance.

They have identified three subsets of marketing capabilities that should be achieved by the organization such as; static marketing capabilities, dynamic marketing capabilities, as well as adaptive marketing capabilities. These capabilities will significantly help in achieving desired outcomes.

The article is very effective and useful for organizations that are involved or operate in the international market. The article will help organizations by informing them how they can develop international marketing capabilities and gain sustainable and inimitable competitive advantages. With the help of this article, organizations can improve their strengths and minimize their weaknesses in the international market and achieve their intended outcomes. However, the article does not emphasize the deployment of the marketing resources in the international market and hence the organization needs to identify the way they can deploy marketing resources for better results.

The article can be used to develop marketing mix strategies that are necessary to gain competitive advantages in the market. For example, with the help of this article organizations can be aware of the required marketing capabilities and hence they can focus on designing a marketing mix to achieve that (Kamboj & Rahman, 2017)


There are five international marketing philosophies that are used by organizations to produce products or services and sell in the market to earn handsome profit. Every organization uses a marketing philosophy that best suits the product or service of that organization. Hence, the marketing philosophy that could be applied to Maytag's international marketing philosophy is strategic marketing orientation philosophy. The aim of strategic marketing philosophy orientation is to make more people aware of the product and convince them to purchase the product. The organization using marketing philosophy orientation focuses on marketing activities before focusing on production and selling. Traditionally, the organization first develop a product or service and then sell it in the market. But strategic marketing philosophy has changed the way the organization does business. Maytag uses the same marketing philosophy in order to achieve its desired goals and objective. The organization focuses on effective marketing and promotion of products. The organization believes that creating demand for the product by making people aware of it is more effective rather than placing the product in front of the customer and asking them to purchase it. The approach of the organization is to make as many people aware of its products in the market as it can and enjoy the large volume of sales and profit.


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