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Nursing Qualitative Research Process Steps

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Explain the Qualitative research process steps 


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Such a method is not only regarding the things people think but also the reason they think such. Such research keeps relying on non-numerical and unstructured data. The chosen article is regarding the transmission and visibility, on complexities surrounding hand hygiene promotion among young children. This study a cross-sectional study referring to that type in observational studies analysing data from a representative subset, the population at some point of time specifically. Such will be discussed and analysed comprising of steps in qualitative research, determining the weakness and strengths and evaluation.    

The researchers here form hypothesis depending upon studies done previously, which are tested against data empirically. Such study got compared with studies coming from Barroso et al, Whitby et al and mentions a study from Seoul Korea (Biezen et al., 2019). Such study keeps formulating hypotheses from such references. 

Research design- The design in this research study turns out being cross-sectional, deriving from mixed larger methods.   

Operationalizing concepts- Such refers to that process where the researcher devises the concepts wished upon investigation. In such a research study, the questions were present in the focus group and individual schedules. The questions are related to hand hygiene reducing gastrointestinal infections and respiratory tract infections. The questions were about hand hygiene roles, its knowledge upon children, frequency, barriers, intervention and importance. 

Selecting research site/s- Such a research study involves a survey which leads to further varieties in choices. Such research study even involved several sites like WHO, PubMed, MedGen, Taxonomy and other official sites. Here, both practical and ethical factors keep limiting one for choosing sites.      

Selecting respondents- The population involved PCPs of 30 and focus groups of 5 with parents of 50 having young children. PCPs are referred to as pharmacists, maternal child health nurses, practise nurses and general practitioners (Costa et al., 2017). For recruiting them, a diversified sampling strategy got utilized. Purposive sampling was involved through circulating advertisements to the target groups. 

Collecting data- For data collection, the tool utilized consisted of questions in sequence for interviews taken face-to-face. The discussions form the focus group and interviews for transcribed verbatim and recorded digitally. Every participant provided written consent for collecting data.  

Data processing and analysis- The analysis of qualitative data refers to ranges in procedures and processes. Here one moves from such qualitative data being collected, in few forms of explanations, interpretation or understanding of those situations and people investigated upon. Such analysis usually has its basis upon philosophy-wise interpretations. In this research study, data got analysed utilizing thematic approaches for providing flexibility approaches. Such is done for identifying, analysing and reporting patterns or themes within such data. At first, 2 researchers independently read through 3 transcripts for generating initial themes and codes which then got refined and compared till they reached consensus (Gaber, 2020). Also, further coding of 3 transcripts took place utilizing such schemata. Such a process got repeated one at a time for incorporating themes of emergence until every transcript gets coded. Data management was done utilizing NVivo10 software.    

Findings and conclusion- There were some factors which contribute to the greater variations perceived in the recommendations from the PCP for promoting hand hygiene. Those factors involved the PCP's habitual behaviour towards hand hygiene, some expectations where parents having good practices toward hygiene. For parents of young children and PCPs, such practices are centred towards visual cues like dirt as being visible and GI infections instead of disease transmission. With sneezing and coughing being much visible, such does not associate with being dirty often. Thus, such has less likeliness in resulting in the action of reflexes cause form washing hands (Dougherty, 2017). The risks promoting the practice of hand hygiene might cause paranoia and effects in being too clean were some concerns overriding the parents.  

Writing up findings- PCPs need to be aware of hand hygiene being part of the habits in washing hands among patients. Parental education is required regarding the significance of hand hygiene, focussing goals of it being one regular habit. The role modelling towards such from the parents along with promoting hand hygiene in a child's life early would form greater compliance causing transmission reductions of diseases/infections.  

Qualitative studies- determining strengths and weaknesses 

Divided views were observed as well among the PCPs regarding educating the parents towards hand hygiene. Some perceived that parents are aware of it while the others perceived that such a topic does not come up due to other issues (Costa et al., 2017). Qualitative research helps in providing more flexible approaches. It allows the researcher to have far more speculations regarding the areas they choose in investigating and the ways in doing so.

This research study has some weaknesses as well. Such research got conducted in a metropolitan area. Thus, the results from this study might not be generalized upon other areas like remote or rural sites. It even involves the countries of development where access to hand hygiene facilities and products are reduced. Also, the parents of the children and the PCPs participating in such a study showed keen interests in such area. Such might have chances in causing selection bias potentially. Finally, the incentives provided to those participants might result in being one source of bias.    


Qualitative study- evaluation

General criteria- Such a current study has the ability to specifying the topic needed for studying upon. The topic in this research study involves the exploration regarding the views of the parents on young children and the PCPs upon their practice and knowledge towards the transmission of disease. Also, such a title provides all the topics of significance. Such title here signifies of it is a qualitative study. Such a topic involving the complexities taking place during hand hygiene promotion is researchable comprising of many other studies along with literature reviews. This study has potentiality in getting utilized for education purpose. This research mentions a time frame specifically from June 2014 till July 2015 thus it's a year and a month. Such study has its part in PhD studies, funded by RACGP (Royal Australian College of general practitioners) and NHMRC (national health and medical research council) (Biezen et al., 2019). Ethical approval is there done by the human research ethics committee from Monash University. Also, participants received a statement having the study explanation and provided written consent for focus group/interviewing.    

Introduction/Background- Such a hypothesis has successfully stated the relationships among such variables in this study appropriately. The variables here are hand hygiene, young children and transmission of infectious diseases. The literature presented in the background consists of sufficient statistics along with mentions by authors. Most are sourcing form WHO, MedGen, PubMed and Taxonomy. 

Such assumptions mentioned in it have enough detailing, supporting along with several studies, thus support gets added. Also, it has properly mentioned the importance of interventions involving hand hygiene. Such helps in providing further reasons for determining the factors causing the problems when promoting hand hygiene (Tracy, 2019). The outcome, which refers to the factors here, have applicability levels with such study providing reasons for researching further. In this study, the variables defined here are direct.    

Related literature- Within such study, the literature review shows insufficiency towards data regarding those factors causing complexities of hand hygiene promotion. Also, this keeps pointing towards the metropolitan side of Melbourne where this study took place. The referencing which received citations shows relevance with such issue of investigation, focusing upon those factors mostly. There’s a mix of primary and secondary resources when ti comes to sources. From such references, the critical analysis seems low due to it having the focus on the chosen study setting. The study results got a comparison with other studied factors.  

Research methodology- The characteristics of the population are defined. It shows 30 PCPs in total (13 females) and 50 carers and parents (47 females). Also, in this study, purposive sampling took place. This sampling might result in forming bias caused by observation from the one performing such duties. The size of the sample does not seem sufficient enough. The instruments involved are good enough for measuring the variables for research consisting of NVivo10 software for data management (Gaber, 2020). Here, the research design was appropriate, cross-sectional, consisting of a focus group and interviews. Thus, the collection of data seemed feasible and logical enough for a qualitative case study.  



It can be concluded that the methods for evaluating and analysing this current research study turned out successful. Its variables got identified accordingly, consisting of the factors towards complexities of hand hygiene promotion as a priority. The steps for qualitative research got discussed while relating the study which got along with the steps appropriately. Next, such qualitative study's strengths and weaknesses got discussed having relation with this study. Such study has this probability towards a few weaknesses in common which is obvious towards any qualitative study. Such a study got evaluated depending upon research methodology, related literature, introduction/background and general criteria.


Biezen, R., Grando, D., Mazza, D., & Brijnath, B. (2019). Visibility and transmission: complexities around promoting hand hygiene in young children–a qualitative study. BMC public health, 19(1), 398.

Costa, A. P., de Sousa, F. N., Moreira, A., & de Souza, D. N. (2017). Research through design: qualitative analysis to evaluate the usability. In Computer supported qualitative research (pp. 1-12). Springer, Cham.

Dougherty, D. (2017). Grounded theory research methods. The Blackwell companion to organizations, 849-866.

Gaber, J. (2020). Qualitative analysis for planning & policy: Beyond the numbers. Routledge.

Tracy, S. J. (2019). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact. John Wiley & Sons.

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