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Project Management Hrm and Communication

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You are required to prepare a summarized research paper on the following:

HRM and Communication are essential in leading projects to success. How would HRM and communication play such a role?


Answer :


The focus of this research paper is to assess the importance of HRM and Communication in leading the projects towards success. In the project management, various forms of resources are managed, and the one that is quite challenging and vital to handle is the human resources. In the current globalized market scenario, the human resources working for on a project or for the company is spread throughout the globe (Browne et al, 2016). Therefore, it is important that the risks that comes with this arrangement should be understood along with the impact these have on the project quality. Moreover, understanding the factors that might be vital for the success of the project should also be known. The importance of human resource management is vital in all kinds of small or big projects, however, it becomes far more important when the reach of project exceeds the borders and become global. Countries vary in culture, race, language, and various other grounds. Handling such a diverse group requires that the project managers have strong hold over communication and management of individuals working on the project. In local scenarios, there is less diversity, so project managers with local language understanding and with the skills of HRM and communication can get the job done (Browne et al, 2016). However, in global scenario, if PM does not understand various languages, culture, work habit, preferences, and other key factors, then it creates problem. The ability of the project managers to handle these differences clarify whether the project will become a success. 

Communication with the projects ensures that the key stakeholders are able to communicate together. A project consists of internal and external stakeholders. Presence of communication ensures that all these stakeholders are aware about the status of the project (Zulch, 2014). The reason for such knowing is that it reduces duplicate works as well as keeps others informed on the expectations. It has been found that when the project team members are not aware of the project status or who are supposed to be doing what activity, then no one ends up doing anything (Reed & Knight, 2010). Repetition and omission of activities become quite common. Moreover, even project managers fail to know that whether the project is heading towards the intended outcome. Additionally, project managers fail to manage the team members and their work due to this absence of knowledge. When the project managers are not aware of what actual status of the project, then it is quite understandable that the external project stakeholders must be in dark. External stakeholders are often the paying clients who make financial investments in the project (Müller & Turner, 2005). They are more concerned about the project progress, but due to lack of communication, they rarely get the current position of the entire project status. 

Apart from the aforementioned challenges related to absence of communication, selection of wrong communication challenge also creates problem for everyone. Every project stakeholder has their own preferred communication mode and they receive information readily when those channels are used (Cheung et al, 2013). However, if the project managers do not understand the preference of their stakeholders, then they are likely to face challenge in communicating effectively. Even if they forward the required information, but they will not get any feedback in return over the communication they made. As for instance, if a daily stand up meeting works best with the project team, then communicating with them on emails might leave lots of unanswered queries that the team has to face when they will work (Ramsing, 2009). Another instance, project sponsors are often interested in weekly work status updates if the project is smaller, or monthly if project is huge. Here, if the project managers choose to send daily emails, then it will not only be the waste of time for the project managers, but it will also create clutter for the sponsors. Therefore, selection of the right communication is important as well.

Along with the presence of effective communication in the project management, role of human resource management is crucial. And an effective HRM depends on existence of strong and reliable communication channel. In fact, both are interdependent. If the human resources are not managed properly, then they will not communicate all the necessary information upward, and if appropriate communication channel is non-existent, then despite having obedient bunch of human resource, project may not reach where the project manager desires (Huemann et al, 2007). HRM in the project management handles various key aspects such as recruiting key individuals and managing their needs till the project is complete. It is the HRM that identifies and defines the core competencies that will be required to ensure that appropriate project team is built as well as for the motivation of the members. Selection, training, and managing are the key layers that are at the core of entire human resource management activities. A particular project requires employees with variety of skill levels. It is the job of HRM department to ensure that the individuals with the employee with the required skill sets are available before the project begin (Belout & Gauvreau, 2004). However, the role of HR does not end just after matching the skill and completing the recruitment. The main challenge comes regarding the recruitment of the individuals who not only have the skills, but they are also reliable, dedicated, and can adjust with the work culture. Those who cannot fit with the work culture, no matter how good they are, they have to leave for other better opportunities. 

Projects often take place in teams. Work of one member is dependent on another. Therefore, it is understandable that factors such as conflicts, work environment, and peer pressure, and support matters as well. Here, the HRM department for the mega projects, and Project Mangers themselves for smaller projects have to ensure that team members work in harmony (Bredin, 2008). Members have to understand each other and provide all the needed support during the project completion. Conflicts are common when people work together. However, with the lack of conflict resolution, more chaos is going to be expected instead of project progress. Further, it is the role of HRM that the grievances of members are handled in a timely fashion so the project progress does not get hampered. In any project, humans are at the core for its success (Söderlund & Bredin, 2006). Therefore, if these humans are not functioning properly, then project success can be doubtful. HRM can implement grievance handling cell that can specifically look into these kinds of challenges. 

Overall, it can be said that the communication and human resource management, both are vital for the success of the projects. Both play crucial role in ensuring that the project managers progresses the project activities with negligible challenges. Risks related to human resource is difficult to handle, specifically in larger project, and in such projects, it becomes more important that elements such communication and HRM are strongly implemented.  As identified earlier, communication is vital to ensure that the project stakeholders, whether they are internal or external to the organization, are aware of the status of the project. If no one knows what is going on, then nobody will be able to provide needed contribution to the project activities. Employees will have no idea what they are doing and why they are doing. They may find their activities meaningless due to their lack of ability to see the bigger picture. And these are certain to impact the employee morale. Therefore, having strong communication ensures that everyone is aware of where everything is going, it keeps everyone motivated, and also ensures project success.


Belout, A., & Gauvreau, C. (2004). Factors influencing project success: the impact of human resource management. International journal of project management, 22(1), 1-11.

Bredin, K. (2008). People capability of project-based organisations: A conceptual framework. International Journal of Project Management, 26(5), 566-576.

Browne, W., Dreitlein, S., Ha, M., Manzoni, J., & Mere, A. (2016). Two Key Success Factors for Global Project Team Leadership: Communications and Human Resource Management. Journal of Information Technology & Economic Development, 7(2).

Cheung, S. O., Yiu, T. W., & Lam, M. C. (2013). Interweaving trust and communication with project performance. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(8), 941-950.

Huemann, M., Keegan, A., & Turner, J. R. (2007). Human resource management in the project-oriented company: A review. International journal of project management, 25(3), 315-323.

Müller, R., & Turner, J. R. (2005). The impact of principal–agent relationship and contract type on communication between project owner and manager. International Journal of Project Management, 23(5), 398-403.

Ramsing, L. (2009). Project communication in a strategic internal perspective. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 14(3), 345-357.

Reed, A. H., & Knight, L. V. (2010). Effect of a virtual project team environment on communication-related project risk. International Journal of Project Management, 28(5), 422-427.

Söderlund, J., & Bredin, K. (2006). HRM in project‐intensive firms: Changes and challenges. Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of Business Administration, The University of Michigan and in alliance with the Society of Human Resources Management, 45(2), 249-265.

Zulch, B. (2014). Leadership communication in project management. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 119, 172-181.


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