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Psychology Restricted Sleep Amplifiers Angry Feelings

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write assignment Sleepy Anger: Restricted Sleep Amplifiers Angry Feelings


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Sleepy Anger: Restricted Sleep Amplifiers Angry Feelings

Summary of the article 

The article “Sleepy Anger: Restricted Sleep Amplifiers Angry Feelings” is written by Zlatan Krizan and Garrett Hisler. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the impact of sleep loss on sleep anger. The researchers of the article are focused on developing the relationship between sleep loss and sleep anger. The article highlights that there is a strong tie between sleep disruption, anger, as well as aggression but it has not been cleared that whether sleep loss plays a significant role in sleep anger. It has been found that distress has a significant impact on the anger response. It means distress increases the anger response. Fatigue as well as withdrawal helps in muting anger. The article also identifies that an individual spends much of his or her life sleeping. But it is also important to know that sleep plays a very vital role in key psychological functions. It helps in the disposal of toxins from the brain, physiological growth as well as repair and thermoregulation. Sleep is necessary for the optimal psychological functions because it facilitates cognitive control, integration of emotional experience, memory, as well as the use of newly learned skills.

They have used an experimental research design in order to complete the paper. In order to meet the objectives of the research, the researchers have selected 158 research participants in order to participate in the research on sleep restriction and performance in healthy adults. The researchers of the paper have selected research participants from a large Midwestern university as well as the surrounding community. The researchers also screened all participants before including them in the process of research. They also listed the criteria for inclusion such as the research participants should not be diagnosed with the sleep disorder, mental illness, as well as physical illness, the research participants should not have worked overnight shifts, and the research participants should have slept more than six hours a night. 

After the test, the researchers found that the research participants in the control condition slept an average of 6.95 hours every night whereas the participants in restrictive sleep, slept only for 4.55 hours per night. Thus, it can be said that there is a significant impact of restricted sleep leads to loss of sleep. They also found that anger significantly depends on sleep and if an individual experiences poor sleep, he or she may exhibit anger behavior.


Participant perspective 

The researcher selected 158 participants to include them in the research paper. However, due to the loss of computer data, the size of the research participants varies from 137 to 142. The researcher divided into two groups such as sleep restriction condition and control condition. They were invited to visit the laboratory individually.

If I were the research participant in this paper, I would attend the research actively. The research process was very interesting and hence I would as a research participant would like to participate in the sleep restriction condition. Participating in this research paper would be very interesting and hence it would provide sound experience. The topic of the research also increases the interest of the research participants. It would be very interesting to know how sleep loss affects sleep anger. Thus, I would be looking forward to being a part of such an interesting subject.


Research idea 

The researcher extensively focuses on studying the relationship between social behavior, sleep, and personality. He has studied how restricted sleep amplifiers angry feelings. Thus, he can now focus on studying how does lack of sleep impair adaption to frustrating circumstances. The researcher can include the same participants in this research as well. The experimental research could be used to accomplish the research paper.


Subfield of psychology 

This research paper falls under the health psychology of one of the subfields of psychology. Sleep loss can affect the health of people significantly. It has a significant impact on the mental as well as physical health of an individual. It also leads to changes in the social behavior of people. Considering this fact of the research paper, it can be said that it is related to health psychology..


About the researcher 

Zlatan Krizan is an assistant professor of psychology at Lowa State University from where he has got his doctorate degree in psychology. His research interest is in social behavior, sleep, and personality. He focuses on examining how the capacity of an individual for self-reflection interacts with the personality, motivation, as well as the emotion of an individual. The main focus of his ongoing research is finding the relationship between social behavior, personality, and sleep. The key questions related to his ongoing research are the following; does the personality of an individual predict how he or she sleeps? How does disruption in sleep affect self-control? How does sleep affect the social interaction of an individual with others? The research of Dr. Krizan is funded by the National Science Foundation. 


Interview question that I would like to ask Dr. Krizan are the following; 

Q1. What motivates you to study the relationship between sleep, personality, and social behavior?

Q2. What is the most interesting subject that you have studied until now? 

Q3. What is the most interesting result that you have found? 



Krizan, Z., & Hisler, G. (2019). Sleepy anger: Restricted sleep amplifies angry feelings. Journal of experimental psychology: general, 148(7), 1239. 

Lustig, K. (2016). The Role of Sleep and Hormones in Processing of Emotional Information.

Gunn, H. E., Troxel, W. M., Hall, M. H., & Buysse, D. J. (2014). Interpersonal distress is associated with sleep and arousal in insomnia and good sleepers. Journal of psychosomatic research, 76(3), 242-248.


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