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Smart Objective

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Question :


My short goal is to improve my GPA and long term is to pass the GRE test and then find a great university for my master's degree.


Answer :


A SMART approach is a well-established tool that can be used to plan and achieve almost all sorts of goals and objectives (both short and long term).


S - Specific

As per the SMART approach, the first thing that I will do is to go for a specific approach so that I have a clear understanding of what I am doing, why I am doing it when I am going to do it and from where I will get this done (Ucop.edu, 2019). It will help me understand why I need to improve my GPA score and get through GRE.


M - Measurable

The second aspect would be to measure my results. It would be evident from the score of GPA. If my score is better than what it was before, then definitely it would be a measure of what I have achieved. Likewise, once I get through GRE, it would be a specific measure of my achievements (Ucop.edu, 2019). Also, I need to keep track of how much progress I have made so that I know exactly how much ground I have covered and how much is left.


A - Attainable

The third aspect would be to evaluate whether my short and long terms goals are attainable or not. For this, I need to be clear whether I would be able to achieve the desired GPA score or not. For this, I will have to check whether my expected score has been achieved by someone else or not. Also, I need to check my probability of passing the GRE test (HR.uncc.edu, 2019). I will also need to specifically figure out how am I going to achieve both the objectives. Unless and until I am clear about the way, there is a chance that I might miss the targets.


R – Relevant

The fourth aspect would be relevant. I will have to evaluate to what extent is my ambition for an improved GPA score going to help me. I will need to be clear whether achieving this short term goal id even worth it or not. After all, if it does not mean anything to my long term goal of getting through the GRE test, then the whole idea would be irrelevant (HR.uncc.edu, 2019). I will also need to check whether this goal would be consistent with the other goals or not and to what extent it would fit with my short term objectives concerning the long term plans.


T – Timely

It is perhaps the most important part of the SMART approach. Time needs to be defined so that it is clear by when the short term objective, as well as the long term goal, would be achieved. This is crucial since there has to be an upper limit with respect to time within which both the short term as well as the long term objectives must be completed. If not, the whole effort will become meaningless (Macleod, 2013). The time frame is important so that there is a clear idea about the priorities. It will also help to improve time management abilities.



HR.uncc.edu (2019). PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT – CREATING SMART GOALS.  Retrieved 26 November 2019, from https://hr.uncc.edu/sites/hr.uncc.edu/files/media/documents/Performance%20Management%20-%20Creating%20Smart%20Goals.pdf

Macleod, Les. (2013). Making SMART goals smarter. Physician executive. 38. 68-70, 72.

Ucop.edu (2019). SMART Goals: A How to Guide. Retrieved 26 November 2019, from https://www.ucop.edu/local-human-resources/_files/performance-appraisal/How%20to%20write%20SMART%20Goals%20v2.pdf


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