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SWOT Analysis of Singtel Telecommunication

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A SWOT analysis on SINGTEL communications. I will add the relevant points as images and will add a friend's work for reference. You have to do it similar to that work.


Answer :


Singtel Telecommunication

Company background 

Singtel Telecommunication is one of the largest telecommunication companies operating in the Republic of Singapore. It is Singapore's largest mobile network having more than 4.1 million subscribers. The company was founded in the year 1879 as a private telephone exchange but since 1992 it started operating as Singapore Telecom. The products and services being offered by the organization include fixed-line and mobile telephone, digital television, broadband services, fixed-line internet services, as well as IT and network services (Rafay & Khan, 2018). More than 25000 employees are currently working with Singtel Telecommunication. It has captured significant market share in the country in its every product line. It has captured 82% market share in the fixed-line market, while 47% in the mobile market, and 43% in the broadband market. In order to further evaluate the strengths and potential of the organization, SWOT analysis has been conducted. With the help of SWOT analysis, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, as well as threats of the organization have been identified. It will help the organization to achieve its goals and objective by improving performance and productivity. 


SWOT Analysis 

Source: Singtel 



Strong position in the domestic market

Singtel has significantly captured the largest market share in the market. It has a strong position in the market as compared to the key competitors in the market. It has also the largest customer base in the market as compared to the competitors that make the organization able to compete against the competitors (Gwee, 2018). Apart from this, the customer base of the organization is also increasing day by day that further enhances the strength of the organization.


Next-generation mobile network

Singtel is also known as the next-generation mobile network because it has specialized itself in 4G and LET network. It is the only company that provides 4G and LET networks in the country and if customers are switching to these networks from the 3G network, they will have to select Singtel telecom. The organization is focused on adopting advanced and innovative technology. The organization launched the fastest mobile network in 2017 with 450 Mbps across the country. 


Regional associates

The regional associates of Singtel are the leading mobile operators in many countries such as India (Airtel), Thailand (AIS), Indonesia (Telkomsel). In the Philippines (Globe), it has achieved the number two position (Ammara Ansari, 2017). With the help of Airtel, it has stepped successfully into 17 African countries. Singtel is also the owner of Optus that operates in the Australian market (second largest telecom player). 



Strong competition in the market 

There is strong competition in the telecom market of Singapore as several large players are operating in the market such as Starhub and Telstra. These players are giving very tough competition to the organization hence the organization needs to come up with unique products and services so that it can stand strong against the competitors.


Severe price competition 

As there are several players operating in the market and everyone is trying to capture the largest market share. So, in order to capture market share, every organization is offering a minimum price. There is a price war among the competitors and hence Singtel also has to reduce the prices. Fluctuation in price may severely affect the organization and its market share along with profitability. 


Lack of feasibility 

There is a lack of feasibility in the approach and strategies of the organization. The organization needs to focus on its strategies and approach while acquiring any product or services (Chairman et al., 2017). There is a wide scope for unique products or services and hence the organization should focus on feasibility in order to provide maximum benefit to the customer.



Growth opportunities 

There is a significant growth opportunity for the organization. The organization has the potential to provide a fast mobile network that attracts customers. It has only leading associates in 4 countries. Hence, it can target many other countries and provide the fastest network to lead the telecom market in those countries.


IT and satellite-fiber solution

Singapore is one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms of information technology hardware infrastructure. There is also an increasing demand to manage cloud storage services as well as virtual data science. It is an opportunity for Singtel to diversify its services and provide satellite fiber-solution because it has the potential to deliver the service.



Saturated domestic market 

The domestic telecom market has been saturated and it will restrict or hamper the growth rate of the organization in the domestic market. The organization will have to come with a unique product or service in order to gain a competitive edge in the market.


High competition and the threat of competitors

There is cut-throat competition in the telecom market of Singapore and large players like Starhub and Telstra are giving strong competition to Singtel. It requires Singtel to come up with effective strategies to improve its service to outdo the competitors (Maheswaran & Asiryatham, 2018).  


Strict regulation 

This is one of the significant threats to the organization because if any action and activity of the organization violate the regulation, it will have to face legal action by the government. It requires the organization to be aware of the rules and regulations.


Ammara Ansari, S., 2017. THE EFFECTS OF BRANDING ON CONSUMER PURCHASE BEHAVIOUR (Doctoral dissertation).

Chairman, T. S. A. C., Min, M. L. Y., Seng, M. Y. Y., Chen, T., & Changyuan, Y., 2017. Telecommunications Standards Advisory Committee (TSAC).

Gwee, J., 2018. The Teaching Note. In The Case Writer’s Toolkit (pp. 213-226). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Maheswaran, M., & Asirvatham, D., 2018. Real-Time Business Analytical Model Using Big Data Strategies for Telecommunication Industry. In Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications (pp. 1054-1060). Springer, Singapore.

Rafay, A., & Khan, A., 2018. Synergy for Sustainability in the Upcoming Telecommunications Revolution: The Case of a Developing Economy. In Technology Management in Organizational and Societal Contexts (pp. 51-76). IGI Global.


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