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System Installation

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Question :


1. Why would you perform a silent installation?

2. Under what circumstances would a system administrator lose access to an instance of SQL Server? Give an example.

3. Oracle offers a free download of all editions of the Oracle Database.  How does the company derive benefits from this approach?


Answer :


1. Performing a silent installation

The installation of software that does not require user interaction is termed as silent installation. Performing a silent installation is one of the convenient ways to streamline the process of installation. There are several options such as additional component should be installed or shortcut should be placed on the system in non-silent installation. These options could be avoided using silent installation because these options are automatically selected in silent installation (Shantharam et al., 2019). It also does not require inputs from the user. Therefore, I would prefer a silent installation.


2. System Administration loses access in the following circumstances. 

If all logins are removed by mistake that are members of the sysadmin fixed server role, the system administrator can lose access to the SQL server. Similarly, the system administrator will lose access to the server if all windows groups are removed by mistake that are members of the sysadmin fixed server. If the logins (a member of the sysadmin fixed server role) are not available or left the company, the administrator will lose access (Isakov, 2017). If the password of the sa account is disabled or no one knows the password, the administrator will lose access.


3. Company benefit 

The company can derive benefit from this approach because it can put its software in the hand of individuals of the community who can provide valuable feedback on the product of the company. With the help of this approach, the customer can select the Oracle software that meets their needs (Van Mölken, 2018). It can improve the sales volume of the organization as it provides an option of a free cloud platform trial.


Isakov, V. (2017). Exam Ref 70-764 Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure. Microsoft Press.

Shantharam, S., Westerfield, G., & Gorantla, V. (2019). U.S. Patent No. 10,289,397. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Van Mölken, R. (2018). Blockchain across Oracle: Understand the details and implications of the Blockchain for Oracle developers and customers. Packt Publishing Ltd.


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