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The Csr Activities of Global Hyatt

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Give a brief overview of the hotel chain. Then summarize their CSR program, the main points as they address the 3 Ps. This should include the good they are doing and the bad they are reducing/avoiding.


Answer :



This essay has been designed to analyse the CSR activities of Global Hyatt which is a multinational hotel chain based in America. The focus of this paper is to identify the corporate social responsibility of Global Hyatt and analyse their effectiveness. Thus, this paper focuses on analysing the good things being done by the organization for the society and environment and the bad thing being eliminated by the organization for the society and environment. The corporate social responsibility of the organization has been evaluated based on two ethical theories such as Utilitarianism and Virtue Ethics. This paper includes a brief overview of the organization, CSR activities of the organization, effectiveness of its CSR activities based on the selected ethical theories, and self-evaluation of the CSR activities of the organization. 


Global Hyatt

Global Hyatt or Hyatt Hotels Corporation is one of the multinational hospitality organizations in America. The products and services of Global Hyatt include luxury hotels, resorts, as well as vacation properties. Global Hyatt was founded in 1957 by Hyatt Robert von Dehn Jack Dyer Crouch, and headquarter is in Hyatt Center Chicago, Illinois, United States of America. The organization has its presence over more than 777 locations (Pineschi, 2019). The organization operates in 54 countries. It has been ranked by Fortune Magazine as America’s Best Employers for 2018 (186th rank). More than 50,000 employees are working with Global Hyatt.


Global Hyatt’s CSR activities 

The corporate social responsibility in its simplest form is the responsibility of an organization towards society and the environment. The concept of corporate social responsibility is necessary for sustainable growth and development. The corporate social responsibility of the organization shows the concern of the organization towards the people working for the organization, towards the society in which the organization is operating, and towards the environment (Grayson and Hodges, 2017). 

According to the CEO of Global Hyatt, the organization care for its people, communities, as well as the planet. It shows how the organization sources products and respect human rights. Global Hyatt is concerned to enrich the communities. The organization is also taking initiatives to deal with significant issues of the environment. The organization is also concerned that its commitment should be seen in practice. The organization provides a working environment for its employees in which they can feel like a family member. The feeling of belongingness is created in the mind of the employees so that they can be best for the organization. The organization promotes the holistic wellbeing of its employees (Jhamb and Singh, 2019). The organization ensures safety and mutual respect for all irrespective of culture, religion, race, gender, etc. Thus, the organization embraces diversity and inclusion. The organization also helps people to get their potential for a better career. Global Hyatt is focused to reduce food waste. So, it collaborates with other hotels for the same. It has also contributed to creating and launching a toolkit that has been developed for industry-wide food waste prevention. The organization does not only focuses on tackling food waste but other types of waste as well. The organization works to identify the greatest challenges of the environment and develop solutions to deal with the identified challenges such as issues of water, climate change, local infrastructure, etc. In order to protect and preserve the environment, the organization has upgraded its kitchen and laundry equipment. The organization uses alternative water sources such as water recycling, energy optimization systems, production of renewable energy or low-carbon energy, as well as the implementation of building automation. The organization raises awareness regarding the issues of the environment and society (Singal and Rhou, 2017). It provides and enhances education facilities to make a big impact on society in the future.


Evaluation of CSR activities using ethical theories 

There are several ethical theories which provide a base to determine ethical practices of the organization. Here, two ethical theories such as Utilitarianism and Virtue Ethics have been used for the same. 



The utilitarianism theory of ethics is a moral theory which supports the activities that promote overall happiness while rejects the activities which lead to or cause harm and unhappiness. So, the focus of this theory is on the betterment of society (Barrow, 2015). It focuses on the outcomes of the action and determines that action as ethical or unethical. The action which yields benefits for the society is ethical. 

Considering the utilitarianism theory of ethics, the corporate social responsibility of Global Hyatt is very effective. The activities of the organization are focused on producing benefits for society, people, and the planet. The organization is making a good impact on the environment and society. It is highly concerned about the betterment of its people as well. Apart from this, the organization is a leading hospitality organization which means it is also making a handsome profit. Thus, the organization satisfies the 3Ps such as people, planet, and profit.


Virtue Ethics

Virtue ethics evaluates an action based on the moral character of that action. If the moral character of action can be seen as benevolent or charitable, it would be considered as virtue ethics. It promotes to live a life of the moral character. It states that an individual can acquire virtue through practice (Vaughn, 2015). A moral character such as being generous, just, honest, brave, etc. can be developed by practicing them. It helps in making the right choice or decision when an individual faces ethical challenges.

According to virtue ethics, the CSR activities of Global Hyatt can be seen as benevolent and charitable. The organization is focused to uplift the weaker section of the society by raising awareness and providing education facilities. The organization is preparing its people to get better job opportunities in the future through skills and competency development. The organization is reducing the production of waste and carbon to protect the environment which will protect all human beings living on this planet.



The corporate social responsibility of the organization is very effective for the betterment of the society and its people including the environment and planet. The organization helps its employees to be better and get better job opportunities. It also focuses on reducing waste and carbon which can significantly affect the environment. The organization is also identifying social issues and developing a solution to mitigate social issues. Thus, it can be said that the organization is effectively engaged in corporate social responsibilities.



The corporate social responsibility of the organization is focused on the planet, people, and profit. The organization is engaged in making changes in society by raising awareness and improving educational facilities. Thus, the CSR activities of the organization are very effective for society, its people, the planet, and the organization.


Barrow, R., 2015. Utilitarianism: A contemporary statement. Routledge.

Grayson, D. and Hodges, A., 2017. Corporate social opportunity!: Seven steps to make corporate social responsibility work for your business. Routledge.

Jhamb, R. and Singh, G., 2019. Corporate social responsibility in the hotel Industry: Issues and Challenges. In Corporate Social Responsibility: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1250-1257). IGI Global.

Pineschi, M., 2019. Labor Peace is Good for Business: Lessons for Limited Partners as CBRE Global Investors Faces.

Singal, M. and Rhou, Y., 2017. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Hospitality Sector. Boston Hospitality Review.

Vaughn, L., 2015. Doing ethics: Moral reasoning and contemporary issues. WW Norton & Company.


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