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The State of Database Security

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The state of database security


In the given video, Ted Julian the Vice President of marketing and strategy for application security inc. is talking about the state of database security in its future. In the video, he highlights that the issue of database security is one of the major concerns of the organization as well as the individuals having a large amount of data stored. Ensuring the security of the database is a challenging task for the organization. It is very important for the organization to ensure the security of the database in order to protect the confidential information of the organization.

Every organization has some information that is very crucial for the organization and loss or damage of such information can severely affect the organization, its performance, and productivity. Ted Julian says that nowadays attackers are targeting information that can be exchanged for huge cash. Since 2005, records of more than 100 million customers have been compromised which is a very serious concern. Considering the vulnerability of information and the importance of database protection, people are raising questions regarding the ways through which database can be protected to safeguard the records of the customer.

From the given video, it can be analyzed that the measures available to protect the database in 2005 such as intrusion detection and antivirus and so forth were necessary for database protection but it was not sufficient to protect the database from the attackers. According to Ted Julian, the attackers move one step ahead of the security measures. They have become pro in this field and hence there is a need for a highly secure system to protect the database. It has become very tough for the organization to keep itself updated to manage the database effectively. He has also highlighted strategies to protect the database.

According to him, monitoring and auditing are very important for identifying the issues with the database that can help the attackers to penetrate the system. Encryption of confidential information is highly recommended to ensure the safety and security of the database.  Default IDs and passwords of the system should be changed and real-time monitoring of the system should be done to identify the internal threats to the system. However, it is not sufficient to protect confidential information and hence the organization should always try to figure out advanced measures to protect the system

The video is quite useful as it contains the relevant and necessary information for database management. However, the techniques that have been highlighted in the video are outdated and organizations need more advanced technology and measures to protect confidential information. I have learned from the video that, attackers are always one step ahead of the organization. They are pro in the field of attacking and damaging confidential information of the organization. Thus, if an organization wants to protect its confidential information, it must think from the perspective of attackers. It will give an edge to protect the system and ensure the safety and security of the data. The video is quite clear and anyone can easily understand the message being delivered by Ted Julian.


The State of Database Security. (2020). Retrieved 8 February 2020, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rEiXt_JT38


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