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Transfer of Learning Paper

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Question :


Select specific detailed examples of learning theories (behaviorism, social cognitive, information processing, and constructivism) in the video that demonstrate methods to apply transfer of learning concepts in a specific workplace of your choosing.

Address the following in your essay:

Relate the example to one or more of the explanations of transfer of learning included in one of the learning theories.

Provide a description of how this example can be generalized to the workplace.


Answer :


Transfer of Learning

In this paper, the focus is on outlining the process of transfer of learning and its application to various learning theories. These theories of learning are social cognitive, behaviourism, constructivism, and information processing. These theories have been applied to one of the reading “The Learning Machine” (Allen & Beaty, 2006). Further, the focus is on understanding the way it can be applied in a particular workplace setting by taking a relevant example or scenario. 

The theory of learning called Behaviourism shows that individuals can learn behaviour by doing and observing and through various reinforcement, whether positive or negative (McLeod, 2007). The concepts related to the behavioural theories state that the learning in an individual can be dependent on identical or similar elements or stimuli that can be present in different environment or situation. The transfer of learning takes place when old and the new situations hold some form of commonality or similarity. There is key understanding regarding this theory that the individuals’ behaviour can be measured subjected to training, and finally transformed. “The Learning Machine” video regarding B. F. Skinner indicates the behaviourism theory. As per the video, Skinners conduct research in operant conditioning. In this, the behaviours of the animal was related with the situation that would lead to certain outcome, and in result, the animal could be found doing something to create or change those outcomes (Allen & Beaty, 2006). The behaviour is reinforced further and further when the outcome is favourable. 

Now, coming to the social cognitive transfer of learning. It can be said that the theory has closer association with the behaviourist theory. However, there exist slight difference between the two in the sense that as per social cognitive theory, animals and humans need to contemplate regarding their behaviour and outcome. On the other hand, behaviourists ignore the cognitive thinking aspect and emotions, and are only concerned with the observational understanding to know if an individual or animal accepts the outcome (McLeod, 2011). 

The example taken from the video shows the tests done by Albert Bandura. In the Bobo Doll experiments of Badura, children can be found to observing the behaviour of adults when they play with model doll. It was found in the research that the children had defined their behaviour based on the behaviour of the adults. Even though the children were showing no aggressive behaviour in general, when they were observing the aggressive behaviour for the doll, they were following those behaviour. This showed that the children had accepted certain behaviour depending on a role model. They understood the things that were considered accepted behaviour in social standards, and they copied those behaviours. 

Now coming to the information processing transfer of learning, it can be said that there is very close connection between information processing and social cognitive theory. As per McLeod (2008), individuals are seen as information processor in the eyes of the cognitive psychology. There are four key assumptions in this theory. The first is that the individuals processes information present in the environment through the presence of various processing systems such as attention, memory, and perception. The second assumption is that the systems try to change the information to arrange it in a particular order or to process it methodically. The third assumption is that the focus is identifying the processes that lead to various cognitive performances. The fourth assumption is that the processing of information in humans or animals is almost similar to the way computers process the information.

Though the concept of information processing is readily applicable to various research types, the video has particularly highlights the assumptions with the discussion of the experiments of Petrovich Pavlov. Pavlov had begun the study to test or understand the chemicals that were present in the saliva of dog when there is food around it. However, the researcher ended up studying the cues or patterns dog used to pick when it used to hear the bell for food. The ringing of the bell was making the dog anticipate the food and salivate. So even if the food was not there, ringing the bell was enough to make it salivate. 

The next theory is constructive transfer of learning which is based on the active participation of the individuals in the world or environment around. It is associated with problem solving ability, and thinking critically about the situation by self. In order to build behaviours, individuals often observe others and the outcomes faced by them. This further lead to the building of understanding of the surrounding environment or world in general and the way behaviour of the individual fits in the world. In the whole video, it can be seen that this theory has been sprinkled everywhere. At one point, prejudice has been highlighted. The video says that the learning is a process that is adaptive (Allen & Beaty, 2006). In some scenarios it happens that individuals end up adapting their behaviour to meet certain situation, but it does not fit everyone.

Now, coming to the implementation of theories in the workplace. These theories can be readily implemented in workplace. There is a need for the companies to understand that the backgrounds of the employees vary often as their beliefs do. And it is possible that the belief may not coincide with that of the vision of the company. Here, training can be introduced based on these theories to help employees understand what acceptable behaviour is and also associate positive outcome when those behaviours are displayed. When employees understand that there choices have certain consequences, they model their behaviour according. This falls under social cognitive theory. As for behaviourism theory, they can be provided regular rewards and training to elicit the expected behaviour. Further, information processing theory can be used to help employees remember things, and constructivism can be used to make them solve problems in the given scenario.



Allen, P. (Director), & Beaty, S. (Producer). (2006). The Learning Machine [Video file]. INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications. Retrieved Sunday 24, 2020, from Academic Video Online: Premium.

McLeod, S. (2007). Simply Psychology. Behaviorist Approach. Retrieved from http://www.simplypsychology.org/behaviorism.html

McLeod, S. (2008). Simply Psychology. Information Processing. Retrieved from http://www.simplypsychology.org/information-processing.html

McLeod, S. (2011). Simply Psychology. Bandura-Social Learning Theory. Retrieved from http://www.simplypsychology.org//bandura.html



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