A jet plane is speeding down the runway during takeoff. Air resistance is not negligible. Identify the forces on the jet.

Answer:- There are four forces acting on the jet plane throughout his takeoff from the runway. Since the plane has a sure mass, the most understandable force acting on it is their weight. Furthermore, the force that compete with the weight of the plane is the lift force that aids the plane to move up in the air. There is the thrust force shaped by the jet. The free-body diagram of the consist of the following sketch:

A jet plane is speeding down

There are mostly four forces which are in control for maintaining wave of aeroplane in horizontal and vertical direction.

When friction and air resistance (drag force) are insignificant then normal force and thrust force are acting on plane throughout takeoff. Normal force upholds the heaviness of plane and shove is responsible for pushing plane forward.






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