Hybrid processors, that can process 32 bits or 64 bits are known by what term?

Hybrid processors, that can process 32 bits or 64 bits are known by what term?

A. Dual Mode processor

B. X- 86 processor

C. X-86-64 processor

D. Itanium Processor

Answer: C. X-86-64 processor

X86-64 processors are hybrid CPUs that can execute 32 bit as well as 64bit instructions. X86 is 1970s’-introduced 32-bit instruction set architecture by Intel for x86. The 64 corresponds to the x86-64 or AMD architecture extensions formulated in early 2000s.

The X86-64 processors are backwards compatible with the 32-bit x86 software. However, they can also operate new 64-bit software enabling greater use of memory. They provide flexibility and enable a smooth transition from one bit to another.

But AMD and Intel worked together to produce the X86-64 architecture. In 2003, AMD debuted the first X86-64 processor called ‘AMD64’. Intel later adopted AMD’s architecture and it was called Intel 64 by the company. Therefore, X86-64 and AMD 64 mean the same thing as a 128 bit instruction set.

Briefly, X86-64 CPUs support both 32bit and 64bit software directly. This allows for adaptability and a migration process as an industry change to 64-bit computation over the years, both by decades of twenties . The X86-64 architecture was an important milestone in the progress of X86 processors.






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