Is the act of working in exchange for an income. a) Employment b) Education c) Entertainment

Is the act of working in exchange for an income.

a) Employment b) Education c) Entertainment d) Environment


Answer: a. Employment

Employment is the condition of having paid work. Another connection is that a person acts as an employee to provide work or services to another in return for pay. This is unlike other activities such as education, entertainment or doing charity where a person does it not necessarily for the purpose of receiving direct money in return.

The relationship of employment is usually contractual, as there exists an agreement that highlights the various terms and conditions binding those involved in this arrangement. This information would comprise of specific facts such as the nature and kind of jobs to be done, a schedule for working hours, compensation modes rates . Through employment, people are able to earn their livelihoods while organizations can be in a position of delivering goods and services through the harnessing human labor. In the real world, it is not difficult to understand as most of us work for monetary compensation that can fulfill basic human needs pay bills and even adopt chosen lifestyle, it also provide independence financial security.






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