Which of the following was popular on the radio in the 1920s?

Which of the following was popular on the radio in the 1920s?

a. baseball games

b. soap operas

c. news

d. all of the above

Answer: d. all of the above

Being a huge decade for the radio, different forms of entertainment, news, etc. were mostly enjoyed through it then. One of the earliest sporting events that could be experienced as live was the baseball games broadcasted over the radio, rendering the game players real to the listeners by means of play-by-play commentary. Hence, one of the most dominant genres was soap operas or so-called ‘radio novels’ that went along with the sponsorship of soap companies. Aside from that, radio evolution witness the introduction of news broadcasts which became a common feature among the listeners and they used to receive news about currents episodes and world events. As the radio as turned out be the strongest medium for transmission of information and entertainment, many American people found themselves listening to radio programs, which included things like baseball games, soap operas, and news, mostly.






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