Ethnic is mostly based upon 1.pride 2. equality

Ethnic is mostly based upon


2. equality

3. independence


Answer: 4.commonality

Ethnicity is primarily centered around the commonality that sees a group of people as members of the same cultural habitat as this is due to the fact that they share similarities, experiences and cultural features. Ethnic group, in general, one can define it as a mixture of language, religion, traditions, and ancestry into one group which originate from the same geographical location. The things that people of a given group regard as similar to them and separated from others, comprise the basis of an ethnic identity, helping in creating if not that strong, at least shared feelings of unity among the members of the group.

Across the range of ethnicity common grounds with odd elements of culture, values, beliefs, and historical stories that provide connection opportunities. This collective experience as well as the cultural legacy is the key to maintaining a strong bond within ethnic groups and stimulating the sense of belonging and pride among them, eventually supporting their unique identity for the diverse communities on the global stage.






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