Which two substances bind using a lock-and-key mechanism?

Which two substances bind using a lock-and-key mechanism?

1: enzyme and substrate

2: reactant and substrate

3: substrate and product

4: reactant and product

Answer: 1: enzyme and substrate

Enzyme-substrate complex, a more detailed model of exactly how the enzymes are connected to their substrates via the lock-and-key mechanism, is presented. Enzymes are the catalysts biologically that can reduce the “activation energy” in the chemical reactions. The Substrates are a determinant for which type of enzyme can act on them. The lock and key model describes an enzyme as a key that has a specific three-dimensional structure, which will only fit the substrate molecule in the active site just like the way that a key only fits to a corresponding lock. Precisely this is the particular combination of the enzyme and the waste material that allows for the substrate binding and further conversion into the product. It would be the most representative illustration for the enzyme-catalyzed reactions to be very picky about the precise lock they choose just like the key that would unlock specific paths inside the complex biochemistry of living things.






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