Which of the following macromolecules is the target of pepsin?

Which of the following macromolecules is the target of pepsin?

A. Carbohydrate

B. Lipid

C. Protein

Answer: C. Protein

Pepsin is backed in the stomach and it functions in catalysing proteolysis of proteins. It falls into the category of enzymes that are proteolytic and are said to catalyse the hydrolysis of large protein and peptide molecules into smaller ones. Pepsin is produced by the gastric chief cells that make up the inner lining of the stomach and works best when the conditions of the stomach are prevalent. It primarily aims at protein foods consumption with regard to their significance in human diets. Pepsin as the first of the two proteases used in the digestion of proteins performs the first step of breaking the molecular bonds within proteins for them to be further digested by other enzymes in the small intestine. This enzymatic action on the proteins is vital enabling the assimilation of the amino acid into the body system.






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