How did advanced weaponry help Europe during New Imperialism?

Question:- How did advanced weaponry help Europe during New Imperialism?


New and efficient weapons enabled the European colonial masters to subdue and dominate large areas with a small army. It is very important when analysing the New Imperialism that took place from the 1880s to the early 1900s, the Europeans relied on their technological advancement, mainly in the area of weapons to conquer colonies in Africa, Asia and other parts of the world. European warriors had better and more modern gear including machine guns, modern rifles, and artillery in comparison to the Indigenous people. This was due to a technological disparity that let relatively small European armies decisively defeat much larger local forces, thus enabling fast consolidation and acquisition of huge territories. For instance, the Maxim gun was very helpful in many colonial wars to regain colonies for the Europeans. This military dominance was as useful for the early capture of territories as it was for keeping colonies obedient and a lid on any indigenous uprisings. The differences in military equipment and hence the capabilities of soldiers and their armies became a major cause of Europeans to subjugate and appropriate resources and people throughout the world during this time.






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