Which of the following is not a cost typically associated with owning a car?

Which of the following is not a cost typically associated with owning a car?

A. Fuel.

B. Insurance.

C. Wear and tear fees.

D. Maintenance.

Answer: C. Wear and tear fees.

Expenses incurred when one owns a car are several of them which include: These are the costs such as fuel costs, the costs incurred in compensating for loss and insurance, and the amount of money spent on routine and major maintenance. But, wear and tear fees is not one of those costs that are associated with owning a car. Costs for fuel are the cost of purchasing the fuel, or gasoline, to be used in running the vehicle in this case. It is an addition that is, in fact, mandatory, insurance is very important to make sure that in the case of an accident or any other eventuality, one will not end up having lost all his/her money through having to pay for instance for compensation or for stolen items. Maintenance expenses are expenses incurred in regularly taking care of the car, repairing or replacing any piece of item that would have been damaged in the course of its usage at a certain time. The wear and tear cost is almost unavoidable, given the fact that the usage of a particular vehicle for a particular period will result to this, the fact that is not usually charged separately. However, the impact of depreciation meaning that the value of a car reduces in a way proportional to the level or extent of its deterioration is realized through the total cost of ownership that includes the cost of selling or trading in the car.






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