What can be known about Mendel’s five-part hypothesis?

Question:- What can be known about Mendel’s five-part hypothesis?


Mendel’s five-part hypothesis, which formed the basis of his laws of inheritance, can be summarized as follows:

Different versions of traits are present in organisms and they are transmitted in pieces called “factors” which are now referred to as genes.

Therefore, for each trait, an organism receives one gene from each parent through the process of inheritance. If two factors for a trait exist, one of them is dominant while the other is recessive. Haploids are formed during gamete formation and each gamete contains one factor of each chromosome

Each of the characters is governed by a separate factor which means that the factors for one character do not affect the factors for the other character.

Mendel in his experiment with pea plants was able to come up with the principles of heredity including dominance and recessive characters, segregation of alleles and the theory of independent assortment of genes during the formation of gametes.






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